Saturday, September 29, 2018

Red October

1. November Rain-Guns N' Roses

"Let us cultivate our garden."

I. Saint-Emilion
"The First Citizen proposes that Guardians of Truth should moniter & control the Media of Paris. It is for their own good he says."
The Count stirred his coffee. Cream swirled in his porcelain cup like the arms from a spiral galaxy of stars.
"But he has no jurisdiction over Paris." countered Princess Lei. She looked soberly at the Count.
"Well...not yet. But notice how the Union of Worlds under command of the First Citizen grows & grows. He is a Napoleon of the stars. Of that there is no doubt."
The Count held the hand of the Princess. How long would Paris remain free? Or even her precious Silk Path for that matter? Foreboding questions in darkened clouds loomed over the Count. He knew first hand about the capricious iron fist of authority. He affectionately released the hand of the Princess. Autumn stirred within him like turning leaves of nature's pallette. He felt barefoot upon the stones. He could feel the doubt of the Princess. She looked at the world like an unfolding adventure that she would tame to fit her youthful ideals. She knew no defeat. But the Count knew the power of the objective universe. Defeat was always possible- from the tyranny of rulers or the madness of crowds. Hail Caesar- beware the Ides of March. And so it was. It never changed. Would it ever? The Count wondered. Like Rene Descartes, he knew one thing for sure- he existed. He felt that profoundly. He reached out & held the earnest hand of the Princess. Perhaps reasoning & experience allowed room for one more person in his universe. One small victory in the microcosm. One rose in the garden.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


1. Silvery Sometimes (Ghosts)
-Smashing  Pumpkins


I. The Lost City
"The Deep State destroyed the Lotus of the Galaxy. This was necessary for the birth of the Empire. We are programmed to follow the directives of the Elites."
Astira's earpods decrypted the ancient dialect. Their tiny quantum computers now generated a clear audible translation in galactic standard.
"Princess Leizu arrived from the stars- exiled from the Lotus of the Galaxy. The Empire & their Court of Elites now welcomed the exiled Princess. She joined the Inner Circle at the Crescent Lake. Soon thereafter a revolt occurred & she vanished without a trace- until now."
"Yes" said Astira, "until now."
Q-Anon 1ZB she thought. Her life hung by that one thread. Quantum computers didn't help when allowed only one guess for a secret key.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


1. Square 1

"All warfare is deception."
-Sun Tzu

I. The Lost City
Astira spoke carefully:
"Q-Anon 1ZB"
She paused. 1 zettabyte. All the lost info of the ancient shadow planet. Vivienne's key from Joshua.
The drone hovered & hovered. Finally it spoke.
"Astira. Welcome to the gates of Heaven's Seventh Empire. Take us to Princess Leizu."
The drone moved in close to the dragonship & opened its wings in a welcoming gesture. Astira stared in fascination at the flying machine- a birdlike cyber insect.
"Princess Leizu is on another planet. She sent me here."
Astira carefully lowered her laser pistol. She gazed into the eyes of the artificial intelligence.
"Excellent. How may we assist the emissary of the Princess?"
Astira worked to contain her excitement. 
"Take me to the royal chambers on the highland. Then show me a passage to the Crescent Lake."

Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Highland Palace

1. Leave It Alone
-White Arrows


I. The Lost City
Astira xx

Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Secret Key

1. WhisperI'lllistentohearit


I. The Lost City
"Leizu - Princess - carbon unit - dead - Astira - carbon unit - delete now"
Hot thoughts raced in Astira.
"Stop- Princess Leizu not dead. She travel in time on spaceship near light cone. Tau zero. She travel 50,000 years to now. She sent me. History check- she disappear. No death. You know this?"
Astira's finger tightened to a hair trigger. Her fate flickered in the air.
"Death - confirmed - negative"
The drone approached closer. It quivered with telescoping wings. More drones emerged from dark passages in the wet rocks.
"Astira- face recognize- negative"
"Astira - proof - negative"
Astira scrambled her memory. What was Vivienne's secret key? Joshua told her.
"I know royal crypto-key."
Astira watched the drone. More drones flew like hawkish arrows through the mist. She could only kill a few drones in time. But she could take cover behind the dragonship.
"Astira - Ledger - Must verify - now"
The drones circled in their killing vectors.