Sunday, December 24, 2017

Believing Your Heart

1. Believing Is Art

"Wherever you go, go with all of your heart."

"New Moon & Dragonfly"
-Joyce McAdams

I. Christmas Island
Astira couldn't believe her eyes. Stars glimmered in the crack of the rock. She glimpsed a bit of reality long lost in her subterranean world. Her eyes moistened as she thought of the humming desert beneath the swirl of the galaxy. & somewhere up there in the swirl of dust & stars stood Taryn. She believed in Taryn. She felt in her heart that Taryn would never leave her. That knowledge poured through her body & she shuddered. & then she felt a renewed will to survive slowly build within her.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Home For Christmas

1. North
  -Night Flowers
2. Lovesong
  -The Cure

"Tyger, Tyger"

I. Saint-Emilion
The vineyards of summer passed away. The Count awakened to a fresh blanket of snow. From his youth lost in the Chateau D'Iff he learned to sleep like a Princess on a pea- always on guard & ready to respond. He rose & opened the window. Like a snow leopard he listened to the falling snowflakes & watched them fall in the black night of a new moon. He felt hungry. He opened the window & his nostrils flared in the chill. His paws gripped the sill & he launched his body into the space of night. The stars shown like bright diamonds & the snowflakes fell like pure white angels. He rolled around in the snow!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Diamond Dust

1. Star Of Wonder
  - Tori Amos

Jaxson Pohlman on Tumblr

"Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds. Shine!"

I. The Desert Island
"Where's Astira?" asked the Dragon.
Ozymandias stood up, flickering in hot thoughts. For a long moment he scanned the shore, raising his right arm & opening the palm & fingers of his electronic hand. Then he retracted his arm & turned to the Dragon.
"Her infrared trail is cold & her low power i6 tracker beacon must be off, unless she wandered out of range."
The Dragon stared at Ozymandias. Jamu stopped tending the fire & spoke.
"Astira said she was bored & wanted to explore the island for some fun. She said she wouldn't be gone more than 24 hours- a galactic day. A lot can happen in a day. I don't like it. It's now the second day. If she found something interesting, why didn't she just come back and tell us about it?"
The Dragon sighed & looked along the shore. Infrared waves undulated along the strip of sand stretching to the dark horizon.

The sunset rainbow faded. Night fell. Astira looked high above, way beyond the falling waters. She reached for her infrared glasses & then she noticed. Incredible! Through a narrow crack in the rock, miles above, through the telescopic optics, she could see the desert stars!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Christmas Spirit

1. Ordinary World

"Where shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning or rain?"



I. The Deep Forest
Kelly Divine tuned the visi-sonor. Musical notes crystallized like snowflakes in the air.
Then he spoke-
"My Lady, mark these words true:
Thou art all my art, the living ghost of my soul."

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Air Dragon

1. The Life
  -Alicia Keys
2. Cry Baby
  -Cage The Elephant

"We have two lives, the second begins when we realize we only have one."


I. The Dark Island
Astira painfully regained her senses. 100 steps up, 1 drop down. She could hear the waterfall somewhere off in the pitch black. Womb or tomb? She wondered quietly. She rose up painfully & staggered toward the sound of the water. Then she hit the iron bars. She stood back & pulled out her laser pistol. She fired & the white hot heat faded to dull red. Two bars clanked on the stone floor. She waited patiently for the remainder of the bars to cool, intrigued by the sound of the waterfall. Then she crouched low & squeezed her body through the vertical opening. She felt exhilaration on the other side as she stood up, painfully stretching her legs. She walked to the sound of the water, her space boots picking up the pace through a black maze of corridors. She kicked open a door. Then she saw the light. The water roared. She gasped. Natural light shone in the cavernous hanger. A light blue waterfall fell from a cloud of mist. In front of her she saw a strange small craft- shaped like a deformed dragon boat it stood perched on the dock. Astira broke into a weird grin.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Catalonia Rose

1. Man Of The People
   -Night Flowers

"The earlier commercial empire of the fallen Foundation had been diverse and loosely knit, despite the impalpable backing of the predictions of psychohistory. It was not to be compared with the tightly controlled “Union of Worlds” under the Mule, particularly during the era of the so-called Search. . 

-Isaac Asimov "Second Foundation"


I. The Dark Island
No support- sudden free fall. Astira turned & twisted like a cat in midair. Then she hit rock bottom. Black haze. Trap door....

Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Chocolate Buddha

1. Sun/C79
   -Cat Stevens (Yusuf)
2. Sign Your Name
   -Terence Trent D'Arby

"Wakefulness is the way to life."

I. Saint-Emilion
The moon hung aloft- a golden cradle in a cool heaven of stars. The Count struggled to rise. Platonic shadows moved to & fro- dark dreams devoid of light. A distant church bell tolled- six am.
Ivy stirred, her golden hair a soft cascade of morning light. She opened her eyes & gazed upon the sitting Buddha. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Truth Weaver

1. Can I Sit Next To You?

"One Foundation was set up in the full daylight of publicity. The existence of the other, the Second Foundation, was drowned in silence."
-Isaac Asimov "Second Foundation"

I. Dark Island
Astira pryed open the door. She could still hear the surf. Her infrared glasses showed the dull red outline of a small room- a desk by a window, a few chairs & fragments of a human skeleton- petrified in a rock chair. The mephitic air curled her nose. She crouched next to the skeleton. She could see the stained tatters of a royal robe. The pathetic bones reached out to her- the last effort of a Princess of Pompeii lost in the Vesuvius of the warrior stars.

Saturday, October 14, 2017


1. No Distraction

"As you walk & eat & travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life."
- Buddha

I. Christmas Island
One right way in a million wrong ways- the song of the universe never changed. Astira flicked off her i6. Deep trouble- Taryn versus cult of bird brains. What to do now? She looked around the patio. She could search the scene of the crime. Long ago something weird happened- the old Empire crushed the Lotus of Civilization & left a dead end cult of bird brains still active after millennia. And now they had Taryn....

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Last Emperor

1. Sing With The Birds (Katuchat Remix)
   -Deep Forest

"When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This is called “divine manipulation of the threads.” It is the sovereign’s most precious faculty."
-Sun Tzu  "The Art Of War" VIII The Use Of Spies

I. The Dark Island
A robotic drone hovered in the air.
"You will submit as vassal bio-object modular programs in faithful service to the Last Emperor. His Sovereign Majesty is our root directory. We compute- therefore he exists. From his birth at the time of the great radiation it has been so."
The robot bird vanished. Astira held her i6. She placed her hand over her beating heart. Where was Taryn?

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Silver Camouflage

1. Army Of 1

"17. Let your rapidity be that of the wind, your compactness that of the forest.
18. In raiding & plundering be like fire, in immovability like a mountain.
19. Let your plans be dark & impenetrable as night, & when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
-Sun Tzu "The Art Of War" VII Maneuvering 

I. Christmas Island
Astira felt exhilaration rising from her discovery. She explored the patio & immediate surroundings. How many centuries, or perhaps millennia, passed away without a footprint on this patio? Did Ozymandias know? He never did mention it. She paused & looked out over the dark infrared sea, contemplating the branches of possibility. She felt alone in the perma-night, no foundation of support. The long march of the surf broke rhythmically in time 100 steps below. She thought about Taryn & pulled out her i6- it softly glowed in silver camouflage.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Just Survive

1. Ground Zero
   -Night Flowers

"As the wind blows, so must the grass bend."

-Confucius in Book XII


I. Christmas Island
Astira hiked along the southern shore. Her space boots marked a vapor trail of infrared footsteps in the perma-night. Occasionally, the surf washed over her boots, & she could feel the shifting black sand pulling her out to sea. But she resisted, easily holding her course along the black strip of shoreline hugging the abrupt rise of dense overgrowth climbing all the way up to the high mountain. 
Then she stopped. She could make out the infrared outline of the rock steps. She drew her laser pistol & cleared a path through the dense overgrowth. Step by step she climbed- periodically pausing to clear the way with her laser pistol. She climbed for about 100 steps. Then she stopped. Through the hanging ivy she could see the outline of an ancient patio. Hiding beyond in perma-dark she could see the island palace. Long before the millennium of the Foundation, she could imagine Princess Leizu standing like a regal statue, a flower of stone, but now animate & gazing out to sea. Then she thought of Joshua seeking the origin of the Mule. He couldn't be too far away.....

Just Survive

Friday, September 15, 2017

A Possibility Tree

1. The Laughing Apple
   -Cat Stevens (Yusuf)
2. Rocket
   -Smashing Pumpkins

"The essence of knowledge is, having it, to use it- (wisely)."


I. Christmas Island
Astira brushed off the cracked display. Ozymandias unscrewed his index finger to expose an electronic connector. He unreeled a lively silver wire- then he meticulously plugged it into the dead display. After a few minutes, digital patterns appeared in jagged pieces.  Half of the screen formed a crude picture- the other half remained pitch black.
"What is it?" asked Astira.
"It looks like half of the Empire's rising sun emblem- but an older version I've never seen before." A shadow of intrigue crossed the Dragon's face.
"That is correct." said Ozymandias.
"I can construct the whole image in my brain from the bit file. The bit file predates the nuclear apocalypse of the Lotus of Civilization by 3.14 lunar months."
"What's the file about?" asked Astira.
The head of Ozymandias flickered in thought.
"It's a classified letter from the Galactic Emperor to a Princess Leizu of the Lotus. The Emperor requests she immediately depart for her own safety."
"Sounds like this Princess Leizu might be a traitor- or maybe a little pet for the Galactic Emperor." said Astira, half amused. The Dragon spoke.
"According to legend on the Silk Path, Princess Leizu was a heroic figure who died very young at the hands of the Empire. She spent her last days in prison. But very little is known fact- just legends passed on for millennia." 
The Dragon watched the setting fire slowly burn. Astira gathered her thoughts.
"Ozymandias- this ancient computer network- can you maybe search it to find us another way to escape? Something faster than our boat? If we can just get to surface, Taryn can pick us up in the Far Star."
Ozymandias stood thoughtful.
"It's possible there exist secret passages to the surface- maybe even to the Crescent Lake. Even I don't know everything about this planet."
"Ozymandias- find a way out & we will take it!" said Astira.  

II. Saint-Emilion
The inscrutable Count sat cross legged beneath a tree. The autumn branches spread far & wide. He offered Ivy a box of chocolates wrapped in gold foil.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Demosisto Blues

1. Telescope 
 -Cage The Elephant 


I. Dark Island
"The people are in the dark"
Leizu implored Joshua. Her gown clung like a ribbon in the rising breeze.
"Our government serves the Empire- they now control the main outlets of news & information. Most people are zombies & they don't even know it. It's like an alien power reprogramed their minds!"
Joshua flinched. He wondered about the young Mule. Where was he? He knew he couldn't stop the Mule. Not here with Leizu. That was just a dream. Only one causal invariant chain of history ever existed. Just one. And he knew the Mule survived to his time & the Second Foundation. And he was just a prisoner in the dream of Vivienne. She traveled for millennia on her light cone. He held Leizu close. He knew he held the very Lotus Of Civilization- a fountain of beauty. But he could see the dunes at the very end of time.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Home In The Stars

1. Crush
   -Jennifer Paige
2. One I Love

"Follow the Way- enter a dark room with light in hand. Darkness clears & light fills the room."

I. Christmas Island & The Robot Mines
"Does it exist now? Or was Lotus dead end of that blockchain?"
Astira stared into dark oblivion, searching for an answer. Ozymandias held the carbon wafer up close to the light. The wet driftwood steamed & crackled in the fire. Smoke curled upward to the ceiling of the cavern. A dust of black diamonds- the soot of the stars- twinkled with a subdued golden light.
"Fragments of the blockchain could have migrated to a surviving network. Once we regain contact with the galactic network, we can search."
Astira flinched.
"You mean if we regain contact." she emphasized. Astira took out her i6. She made a little snap chat & sent it to Taryn. No trace :-)
Taryn stared in disbelief at the drone. The other drones circled in for the kill. The Dragonfly become one with the sand of white shadows & twilight mauve. She could feel wings of warriors brush against her supple sky. Time slowed....& the sun set in a flash of drones falling from the sky- meteorites of sudden death.

II. Saint-Emilion
Leaves fell. Impatient fall brushed the sky with a pastel palette. Rich green vines of summer yielded their golden treasure of wine. 
"My dear Princess, Macron is a puppet of the Rothschilds. They imprison the soul of the nation."
"How so?" asked the Princess.
"They stole the election from the Lady of Liberty. Now- behind the scenes- they serve the First Citizen of the Union of Worlds. The people remain in the dark."
The Princess sipped her coffee. She felt nude without her black diamond.
"Count- I know your mind is a free spirit. But the First Citizen brings peace to the galaxy."
The Count stirred his coffee. Sunlight brushed the Princess with a light warm touch. Her bloom of innocence stirred the dark prison of his iron heart.
"My Lady, the First Citizen is a Napoleon of the stars."

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Start The Blockchain

1. Hot Thoughts

"If you don't believe it or get it, I don't have the time to convince you- sorry."

I. Christmas Island
Astira held the carbon wafer. She rubbed it with her fingers.
"Ozymandias- can you read this one?"
She handed the wafer to Ozymandias. He plugged his finger onto the device. His brain flickered with hot thoughts. 
"Astira- this is a royal cryptowallet dated from the beginning of the Lotus of Civilization. It is crystallized with bit-diamonds, on the Yang side of a hard fork."
Astira held her breath. Ozymandias tilted his flickering head. She turned to the Dragon.
"Does this make sense to you?"
The Dragon stood near the Zen of the light. He seemed to remove himself from the world. Then he spoke.
"It's possible. There exist many legends along the Silk Path- ancient treasures lost from the destruction of the Lotus of Civilization. None of them have panned out. No one could prove where the Lotus existed. But here we are on an ancient island buried beneath the desert. We see the ruins of an ancient lost civilization.  Ozymandias tells us it is the Lotus. Ozymandias is a long lived robot programmed to follow the highest standards of behavior. Would Ozymandias lie to us? I think not."
The Dragon paused. Astira smiled. She turned to Ozymandias.
"You my friend are rare one. I trust you."

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Fired Up

1. Tiny Little Robots
-Cage The Elephant

""Now I understand." said the last man."
-Arthur C. Clarke 

I. Robot Mines- Trader Star
Taryn opened the cabin door. The heat of the sun burned in the bone white sand. A flock of drones glared spasmodically in the bright sky. Like vultures, they began to circle. Suddenly, one of the drones dove. It hovered menacingly in front of Taryn.
"Identify yourself." said the drone.
"I am Taryn from the Foundation. The lady is the Dragonfly. Our guide is a local human known as the Desert Jackass. I wish to strike a deal- Foundation crypto-silver for rare earths & other metals. With crypto-silver you can buy products manufactured by the Foundation. Like mining technology. Tools. Unusual composites with magical properties. Hardware & software. So take me to your human leader."
"There are no humans here." said the drone.
"Then open a line of communication to your remote human leaders."
"There are no human leaders." said the drone. 
"But I want to strike a trade deal."
"We do not execute trade deals." said the drone.
"Well then-" Taryn grinned wryly. He shook his head.
"Let us look around & then we'll leave you in peace."
"No. You will never leave. You are now in our custody. We will study you. The female dragonfly will make many goo goo humans. Then you will be reprogrammed."

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Saturday, May 13, 2017


1. The Gentle Hum Of Anxiety
2. High Off Love

""Now I understand." said the last man."
-Arthur C. Clarke

I. Crescent Lake
The hum of the dunes never stopped. Taryn breathed the heavy spice of night flowers. Below him sparkled the Crescent Lake- a blue moon oasis lost in the desert world.
"Taryn- we find ancient dead computer on island :-) Astira"
Her glowing letters & happy face faded away. No cyber footprint. Just the hum of the dunes.
He looked at the ancient tower. It's spire reached high into the galactic cloud of stars. Why?

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Friday, May 5, 2017

Wings Of Moonlight

1. One Of These Nights

"In every province, the chief occupations, in order of importance, are lovemaking, malicious gossip & talking nonsense."

I. The Venetian World
Mission accomplished! The Count stood satisfied in the shadow amongst the rows of moonlit vines. He turned & walked away in quiet footsteps. Always in the shadow of the Chateau D'If, he remained alert & cautious. He knew no law other than the law of survival as a free man.
"Was she wearing the black diamond?"
"Good. Tonight is the night. Tell Macron the First Citizen is pleased."
The Count stood frozen. The voices were inaudible. He crouched & moved on all fours. With the eyes of a panther he watched the two men from his cover of vines.
Later, the Count clawed his way upward on the trellis. He noticed the light in the room of the Princess. She was up late after the wedding. The Count smiled & swung his adroit body to the sill of his window. He felt the lift from wings of moonlight.
Ivy closed her eyes & felt the warm glow of her crystal heaven. The Count & Princess stirred back to life. They opened their eyes. Sunset in Venice- all roads written in wine.

UFOtext at twitter & tumblr 

Sunday, April 23, 2017


1. Viva La Vida

"It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere."

I. The Venetian World
 Ivy left her fingerprints on the crystal sky. The Count & Princess Lei fell into swirling grey clouds. Time passed & the urgent sky of Saint-Emilion opened. The moon rose & flooded the rows of vines in a soft white bed of light. On the midnight hour a distant bell tolled in muted Braille.
"Madame." said the Count in a low voice. He nodded politely.
"Monsieur." replied the shadow.
The Count removed a small black book from his breast pocket. He tore out one small page & clipped it securely to the hard cover. He produced his pen & the black ink flowed. He wrote:
"Madame- I bring you a confidential letter from the divine pen of revolution against the Union of Worlds. I am honored to be your personal messenger & private confidant."
The Count handed his note & letter to the shadow of liberty. They spoke no words. No words would stray to hidden ears of authority. She embraced the Count in moonlight. Then she slipped away into the long shadow of night.

UFOtext at twitter & tumblr

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Island

1. When I Come Down
  -The Kickdrums

"A lotus flower is born in water, grows in water & rises out of water to stand above"

I. Christmas Island
Astira watched the infrared waves of deep crimson travel from the horizon & break upon the beach of black sand far far below. The hypnotic Zen of the surf beat like a meditating heart.
"We got a few black diamonds from sky roof. We build our ocean boat & sail in two months. Then we escape from Lotus of Civilization."
Astira stood confident. Ozymandias flickered in logical thought. 
"Beware Astira- we are in uncharted waters." warned the Dragon.
Suddenly a cacophony erupted- black cave parrots echoed & mocked the wayward traveller's every word.....

II. The Venetian World
Easter morning- church bells peeled in golden harmony. Spring birds sang in an avian chorus of hope. Ivy's palm spooned her cloudy crystal ball. The Count & Princess Lei fervently held hands dressed in a circular sky of white lace.
The Count turned to the Princess.
"My Lady- the black diamond is not in the vault. We encounter impasse."
The Count frowned. Princess Lei sighed.
"Count- that ancient petrified tablet. Could I look at that?"
"Of course you may."
The Count handed the tabula rasa to the Princess. Her delicate ivory fingers traced its ancient contours. Then her knowledgable eyes focused on its tiny glyphs.
"Count- its rongo-rongo."
"What" said the Count. He gazed at her in perplexity.
"Rongo-rongo. It's ancient writing from Easter Island- from the time of the earliest civilizations before the galactic empire."
This piqued the Count's interest.
"Incredible! What does it say?"
Princess Lei furrowed her brow.
"The usual sort of trivia with many tributes..."
Suddenly her mouth fell open.
"Count- this long passage is about a historic supernova- visable even during the day. It states the supernova showered a planet with black diamonds."
The Count stood transfixed.
"What planet?" asked the Count.
"The Lotus of Civilization."
The Count & Princess stood in rapture.

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Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Street Of Gold Bricks

1. Have Love Will Travel-
  -The Black Keys

goldenjackass x

I. The Crescent Lake
Taryn touched his buckle. Stealth text hovered in the air.
"We trapped in big ocean cave below desert. Can you hyper-jump Trader Star to pick up Astira?"
Taryn grimaced. His fingers played the air glow.
"Negative- hyper-jumps not that precise. I could overshoot & burn up the Trader Star in the center of the planet. You need to get to the surface."
"We can't go back same way. They will kill us. Robot friend says maybe old spaceport far away can get out. Only chance."
Taryn shifted uneasily.
"Get to the spaceport. Then I will pick you up."
"Yea- but keep your head. Mule take over your little brain with big psychotic propaganda. Really- you not know up from down."
"I met Dragonfly."
"Yea Dragonfly. She know Silk Path & the Way. Even some future history. Find many trade riches."
Taryn looked out the window. The Crescent lake cut a light blue arc on the mocha desert.
"Astira- I want you to know"

II. The Venetian World
The Count & Princess Lei held hands. Sunset fingers of golden Ivy twined the vineyard. The stained glass sky turned to a dark crystal. One thousand & one stars bubbled in the crystal sphere.
"Count- welcome to Saint-Emilion."
"Thank you." said the Count.
"I am tired from travel & shall retire early. So I bid you a pleasent evening."
The Count nodded & smiled. He gave the man a generous tip. The door closed.
Later, the Count watched the moon rise over the braided field. He opened the window & latched onto a trellis. In moments his feet planted on the ground. He disappeared into the endless rows of vines.

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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Fibonacci Numbers

1. Crazy

"You are young, you will see all of this come to pass."
-Abbe Faria, speaking to the future Count of Monte Cristo


I. The Venetian World
Ivy palmed the crystal ball. The Count & Princess Lei held hands. Thor raged in his crystal prison. Then his sky cleared...
The vault door refused to open.
"Now comes the moment of truth." said the Count.
Princess Lei pursed her lips. The Count fingered the master dial.
"The crazy old merchant said start with one year. Then eight years. These time spans into the past mark the two great turning points in the Mule's conquest for the Union of Worlds. Both time spans are Fibonacci numbers by a mysterious process of history leading up to our present year."
The Count rotated the dial to one, then eight.
"Now, for the 3rd & 4th numbers, add the Fibonacci number 34 to the sum of the prior two numbers."
The Count dialed in the mirror number 43.
"Now repeat."
The Count dialed in the number 85. He looked at the Princess.
"Think, 43 & 85 years ago mark the rise of the Trader Worlds & the destruction of the Empire at Trantor. Our Fibonacci tour of galactic history is complete. Ready?"
He pulled on the vault door. Slowly, with great effort, the heavy door opened. The Count & Princess stood anxious at the threshold. Somewhere inside lay her black diamond pendant.

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Venus de Milo

1. I Ain't The One
   - Spoon

"My present happiness equals my past misery"
-The Count Of Monte Cristo

I. The Venetian World
Ivy caressed the crystal ball. Constantinople emerged from the clouds of Time. The Count & Princess Lei held hands. 
"We have ten thousand gold coins!"
The crowd buzzed. The Merchant of the Empire cast a conquering smile. The auctioneer paused- a mere formality of process.
"Ten thousand gold coins- going once, going twice"
One finger rose.
"Ten thousand & one."
 A shadow of hushed astonishment eclipsed the theater.
"Sir- payment in gold is required forthwith. Do you wish to hold your bid?
"Yes." said the Count.
"I have need of a servant girl- this Princess will suffice."
The aquiline eyes of the Princess burned with hatred. She spat in his direction. The Count's implacable face broke into a thin gruel of a smile.

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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Kites Of Mars

1. Juno
  & Ross

"March wind blows tonight:
Cherry bloom, A dragonfly,
The child tugs a kite."

I. The Crescent Lake
The night wind rose. The humming rose. The red dunes began to stir. In the moonlight, the bright dagger flashed its retreat back into its sheath of shadow.
"So it's easy- rescue Astira in the Trader Star."
Taryn eyed the Dragonfly.
"No- the Mule tracks her like a beggar of death. Astira suffers in the great desert beyond the Pacific dunes."
Later, the child fell asleep in her chrysalis. The Dragonfly closed her eyes. Dreaming, she could hear the children of the lost millennia play- far far away upon the humming dunes.

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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Zero Probability Branch

1. Hopeless Romantic
   -Michelle Branch

"I think a Seldon crisis is pending- & that if it isn't, then away with the Seldon plan altogether. It is a failure."
"Foundation & Empire" by Isaac Asimov

I. The Crescent Lake
"Astira is in great danger. There is a new & evil force in the galaxy."
The Dragonfly paused. Her trim black figure formed a silhouette against the moonlit water. She appeared unarmed.
"A new & powerful force? Like what are you talking about- Feng Shui?"
Taryn halfway laughed. He felt sceptical.
The Dragonfly frowned.
"No. There is a leader with super human power- the First Citizen of the Union of Worlds."
Taryn's mood took a serious turn.
"Yea- I've heard of him. But he's no threat to the Foundation."
The Dragonfly frowned.
"No. He is a threat to everyone- including the Foundation- & especially Astira."
"Where is Astira? She sent me an SOS."
"Yes. Open a hologram map. I will show you."
Taryn touched his buckle. A rosy holgram appeared- a picture of Toran & Bayta on Terminus. Just engaged, they both smiled warmly. He touched his buckle again- a map of the Crescent Lake appeared. It glowed softly pink in the white moonlight.
"Yes." The Dragonfly smiled. From nowhere she produced a bright Samurai dagger. She carefully pointed to Astira's approximate location.

II. The Venetian World
The sun set in vivid watercolors. A string of pearled moons rose into the dark heavenly vapor. Twinkling stars sprinkled the midnight hour.
"My Lady- those who see the past, present & future illuminate the dark prison of our mind.
The Count held the soft gloved hands of Princess Lei. He leaned forward & kissed her red lips. Somewhere- light years away- arose the very first bloom of spring.

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