Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black Roses


1. Gone Away- The Offspring

2. Stay Don't Go- Spoon

"And remember, no matter where you go, there you are"

- Confucius


"Yes, A, I found out where they took the Dragon!"

deep forest of possibility-

tigers of fire & ice,

testing virtue & vice-

deep forest of possibility…..

And Astira looked up from her iPad with excitedness-


Meanwhile- for the Count every day with the Princess became the apple of his Eye. Night after night she locked up his heart as if a chain of iron roses…..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Probability Tree


1. Hope (Instrumental)- Smashing Pumpkins

2. Look Back In- Moby


"Look, M, I construct probability tree." and Astira turned her iPad filled with strange math & 1 diagram toward Miss Change.

"We need 2 get very lucky 2 get on this branch. If we do get on this branch then we must be thanksful & make gr8 effort to make right turns. Is only hope on tree…."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Possibility Tree


1. Linger- The Cranberries

"Hold faithfulness & sincerity as first principles."

- Confucius


"Let's think of the future as a tree of possibilities- as we travel along a branch our time flows into the future. Important events are branching points where future history chose which branch to follow. These branching events can be unpredictable for a travelling observer with limited information. Thus we must consider all possible branching pathways into our future- the future endpoints on our tree can be spectacularly different…."

And so for Layla Elliott & Mark de Valentine the trees of autumn turned to spectacular falling beauty...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Now= 0 → Future= 1 or 0

Now= Our Bleeding Hearts- Gr8 Northern
Future= Square 1- Coldplay

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."
- Confucius


"Where is the Dragon?" asked Astira, looking at Miss Change.

"Yes- my Master lives in the present & sees into the future." said Miss Change, lowering her eyes.

"Where in the present?" asked Astira.

"Yes- the place forseen in the future of the past, the present place where the future of the present can be changed." and the dragonfly closed her eyes to see more clearly.

"Can the Dragon change the present future of the Silk Path?" asked Astira.

"Yes- the goal of my Master is to preserve the Silk Path for many thousands of years."

"Is the goal accomplished?" asked Astira.

"No- the balance of the Silk Path is very unstable." and the dragonfly opened her eyes & looked up across the milky glow of a vast ribbon of stars.

After a few minutes of heavenly quiet & a shooting star, Astira said

"From hero to zero, that is us for sure- but I have plan & maybe we get lucky break- for a change."