Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Spirit

Christmas Spirit
1. What Child, Nowell-
 Tori Amos
2. Greensleaves-
 Classical Guitar by Andrei Krylov

I. Round Table
Astira read the message scrawled on the backside of the owl-

"9 pm-The Hourglass.

She stuffed the owl into a pocket & then mingled with the crowd. Her heart warmed to their good cheer & joviality. But suddenly the raucous hall hushed quiet. Wine slowly dripped from the clock, then trumpets flared into majestic fanfare. Astira turned left- far far away across the hall she could see a crooked figure dressed in sleaves of green. A court fool, he smiled tragically. He stood raptured in thought- then let fly a melodious dove confined within a cage of just a few taut strings.
Astira's blood ran ice cold....

II. Twinkling Star
Princess Lei set foot upon the land. The Dragon followed. Winter's trek- the Twinkling Star touched down from the Druid sky.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Hidden Message

1. Messengers Of Christmas- Mannheim Steamroller
2. Isolate- Snakadaktal

I. The Round Table
The White Queen had slain the Dragon- at least that was popular legend.
"Stop right there Miss!" said the ogre gruffly. Astira paused & weighed her options.
"Where's your press pass?" He asked.
Astira looked into the eyes & mind of the guard- she soothed the course contours of his emotion, then reshaped his thoughts with a light subliminal touch.
"Well girl, get moving, go on inside. And Merry Christmas!" He smiled warmly & held open the door.
"Thanks 4 U. Good Xmas 2 U."

Astira rushed inside. A vast banquet hall stretched far & wide. A pungent aroma of roast meat, bread, spiced apple pies & heavy ale filled the air. Musicians played lutes & guitars. Pandemonium reigned.
Suddenly a young boy broke out from the crowd. He ran crazily toward Astira. Then he stumbled, lost his balance & careened into her body. Astira jumped & grabbed the crazy boy. He laughed & shoved a crumpled wad of paper into her hand. Then he let go & ran away.
Astira stood bemused for a moment- then she discreetly opened the wad of paper. In her hand she saw a crude drawing of an owl.

II. Twinkling Star
"Why the Druid Nebula?" asked Princess Lei.
The Dragon waved his hand like a magic wand through the galactic hologram.
"The Druid Nebula lies on the cusp of the Mule's psychological wave. Our galactic psychohistory is now one gigantic Plan B."
Princess Lei paused uncomfortably, not sure whether to believe the dramatic musings of the Dragon. But if they were true....
Her thoughts drifted back in time to the Count. It was the one year anniversary of their expedition to Kiritimati & the Pearl of Dreams- the hidden 9th wonder of the galaxy. She had doubted that too- until she saw the dream come true with her own eyes. So she decided to keep an open mind about the Dragon. Perhaps he wasn't as crazy as he seemed to be.

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Friday, December 13, 2013

See The Possibility

1. My Love Is Winter- Smashing Pumpkins

I. The White Castle
A slim shadow of black jade slipped through the dreamy mist. The lithe figure ran east- running along the castle's southern rampart facing the sea. Astira peered intently at the magnified image on her i5- she could see the slender upper body of the running figure just above the white stone parapet. But the figure soon vanished back into the mist- leaving no trace of its fleeting presence. The winter sun slowly burned away the mist, and chains of silent clouds now moved across the high blue morning sky. Astira quietly opened her eyes.

II. Twinkling Star

"There is no rest." thought Princess Lei.
The Great Wall of ancient red stars stretched across the holo screen from the Pearl Clouds in the Far East, all the way to the Druid Nebula at the gate to the western skies and the remote edge of the galaxy- home of the Foundation.
She leaned back into her cushioned chair, and felt the Foundation holo screen wrap around her- as if she rode upon a celestial chair through the heavens. She reached up in wonder, and cupped the warm glow of the Pearl Clouds within her hand.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

The Hard Fall

Galactic Plane
1. Low- Coldplay
2. Feel The Ocean Hold Me Under- Snakadaktal

"Settle one difficulty, & you keep a hundred away."
- Confucius

I. White Cliffs
Astira watched the luminous cloud move across the grid map on her i5- a group of riders will be here within minutes she thought. She flipped her i5 into silent mode & stashed it into a deep pocket. She looked around.
There was nowhere to hide & nowhere to run- except for the grassy edge of the nearby cliff. The abrupt boundary of the cliff snaked through the air, running below a vast expanse of blue green sea that merged into a far horizon of mist & fading stars.

Friends or foes? No way to know & she didn't want to take a chance. She ran to the edge of the cliff- stopped- found her balance & stared down a sheer face of rock slamming into the blue green sea below. Majestic spires of breaking white foam scaled the wall of rock. Just below the edge she spied a small outcrop- just wide enough for support. She hopped over the edge of the cliff & landed securely on the ledge. She looked back up at the edge of the cliff & smiled. Suddenly she heard the fierce cry of a hawk, & she looked to her right- she watched the hawk with its long wing span fly up the side of the cliff in a nearly vertical & parabolic arc.
II. Far East
"History evolves from the actions of people- those actions are the result of human psychology- & that psychology has a mind of its own- not something that can be easily predicted in a simple & linear way. Can you predict what your emotions will be one day from now?"
The Dragon turned away from the changing waters of the bay. He engaged the eyes of Kwon Ping & Princess Lei, & then continued his arc of thought.....
Later that evening Princess Lei stood on her small hotel balcony overlooking the bay. Below her the flickering lights of the city changed randomly, almost chaotically.
If the Dragon is right, she thought, then the psychology of our galaxy has been diverted off course. What could one mere human being ever do to change the flow of history back to normal?
She sighed, & then gazed upward into the dark night- the galactic plane fell majestically from the sky in a waterfall of stars.

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Friday, November 29, 2013

White Mist

White Mist
1. Got Nuffin- Spoon
2. Rock Wit U- Alicia Keys

“We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.” 

I. White Cliffs
"A- time to wake up."
The almond eyes of the Dragonfly softly emerged from the dark. Astira swayed off balance- the diffuse light of the world coming into focus. She shuddered at the infinite thought still warm and wrapped around her body. Her lapse of proper time ticked but a fraction of a second- but her mind lingered on the afterimage. She staggered but then recovered her balance. She looked around. The image faded into a white mist hovering above her surroundings- an autumn green field stretching out from the zirconium arc. A faint scent of the sea and the sound of distant breakers confirmed her destination- the White Cliffs. She flipped out her i5.

II. Far East
"The Silk Path holds great promise for the future- I see growth coming from all regions of the galaxy- the Far East, the Eurozone & the Foundation." Kwon Ping paused and waited for a response from Princess Lei and the Dragon. Princess Lei smiled knowingly, but the Dragon's Zen turned away from the Now- he gazed upon the changing waters of the bay.
"Kwon Ping- what you say is true. Threats from the falling Empire and the Barbarian Clans recede, and the galactic skies are filled with young blue stars and space pilots. But there is a new danger- something unknown and not understandable by conventional thinking."

The Dragon paused. Princess Lei furrowed her brow and pondered the Dragon.

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Friday, November 22, 2013


1. The Sacred & Profane
  - Smashing Pumpkins

2. Chained- The xx

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”

I. Wormhole-
Free fall- Astira felt no weight in her cocoon of spacetime. She could not see her body- only a faint red glow emanating from a warm black velvet. She lost all sense of Time and could not feel the beating of her heart. She tried to breathe but she could not. She felt fear, but for the first time in her life she felt up close to something infinite- yet warm.

II. Paris-
Late in the morning, the Count sat with Voltaire on the balcony. They enjoyed Turkish coffee, croissants, fruit, a poached egg with scalloped potatoes & a white truffle.
"Count, we do not live in the best of all possible worlds. Be grateful for any wings of liberty that free us from our chains."
The Count smiled thinly. He gazed up at a chain of clouds anchored to the light blue heavens.

III. Far East

There is no such thing called Time- only the change of things & their relation. If change would ever stop- there could be no universe- no birth, no life, no unfolding of the lotus petals- only the eternal & timeless death of something that is nothing because it never changes.
"Yes, what are you thinking?" asked the Dragonfly.
The Dragon turned away from the Zen of the glittering waters, so beautiful & calm after the passing of the typhoon. He looked into his daughter's liquid eyes.
"The Empire falls- all according to a branch on the tree of psychohistory. The Mule rises- a black swan branch apart from the tree of psychohistory. It is time for us to change in ways we never thought of. Perhaps Princess Lei might be useful in that regard."
"Yes, Time will tell." said the Dragonfly.

Emily Change Text  Emily Change Picture
Layla Elliott Text    Layla Elliott Picture
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Friday, November 15, 2013

More Than A Galaxy

Star Gate
1. Home- Great Northern

“Time flows away like the water in the river. ” 
― Confucius

I. The Wormhole
Astira stepped back into the lost millennia of history- the ancient temple site predated the Galactic Empire. An arc of zirconium alloy bounded a shimmering optical field. In essence this optical door opened to a crude hyperspace transport found on an ancient spacecraft- not an actual wormhole. Space time wormholes were far too unstable & dangerous for travel. Still, Astira balked & felt queasy- would this contraption work? The alternative was to travel on a spacecraft- but that would be detected. She didn't want anybody to know she was in town for a visit- not even those in the now compromised Second Foundation.
She meditated calmly & watched a nutty squirrel run up the side of the zirconium arc. She then took a very deep breath & walked into the shimmering field of light.

II. Home
One could love people in society at large & in the abstract- but the animal spirit loves those that are close & well known. Such is life.
Princess Lei spied her sister standing in the bright maples of the Far East. She waved & at once there were no stars in the galaxy.

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Something To Dream About

Twinkling Star
1. I Just Want To Have Something To Do
2. Blew Away
-Smashing Pumpkins

"Words are the voice of the heart."

I. Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais
Coquelles- the ancient star gate at the opening of an antique & long forgotten worm hole twisting through space & time; Astira knew the opposite end of the hole opened up at the majestic White Cliffs of Dover. The ivory cliffs formed a natural high barricade for the castle of the White Queen. Here, the hidden passage would lead her to Archimedes & Merlin- key members of the Second Foundation.

But tonight she roamed the streets of Coquelles. The French blue dusk deepened in a golden bloom of stars. Her i5 lit the way.

II. Paris
Thieves in the night, the Count led Voltaire down a discrete and narrow series of steps cut from the rock on the moonlit banks of the Seine. A poachers' darkened boat moved gently up and down on the water, moored to heavy iron rings deeply embedded into rock. The Count signaled with a small gesture of his hand- a small airlock opened and a short ramp materialized. Within a few short seconds the Count & Voltaire entered the Twinkling Star.

"Monsieur X, the Foundation agent Sauveur has paid us in full, and now we pay you with interest," said the Captain.
"All is well then." said the Count.
"But tell me Captain, where is your Princess Lei?"
"You know her then?" asked the Captain, with a curious look.
"Who really knows anybody in our world?" replied the Count.
"Well, Monsieur X, the Princess travels everywhere at a moments notice- nobody knows where she is half of the time."
"I see." said the Count. And he gazed at her red table as though it were a sacred Valentine.

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Just Follow The Crowd

Birthday Boys
1. Revolution 1- The Beatles 
(Slow version on White Album)

"Virtue cannot separate itself from reality without becoming a principle of evil." 
-Albert Camus


I. Prague
She read the email-
I admire your use of Ramanujan graphs in psychohistory. But the Mule never heard of this, nor does he care. You are in great danger in Euro Sector, come here b4 it's too late!

Astira smiled faintly & remembered the Petersen graph from her student days. But she had gone way beyond Ramanujan graphs in possibility branch construction- Archimedes should know this. Something was wrong, very wrong- like in brainwashed zombie of Mule.
But then she thought-
"If Archimedes ok, then Archimedes want to test Astira. This test to see if Astira imposter!"
In ten minute she book flight out of town. Her i5 confirm. She have plan.
She get ticket to ride out of Mule's Utopia Of Worlds.

II. Londontown
Sauveur continued.
"Look, we all know actions & results speak louder than words. Strongly socialistic systems create an idealized world of false virtue which separates people from the natural & practical virtues of real life. We are not meant to be insects in a colony, but individuals in a free society."
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Friday, October 25, 2013

Endless Possibilities

Possibility Tree
1. Life In Technicolor- Coldplay

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.” 

I. Prague
Astira touch i5 Nebula keychain. Appear list download encrypted links- apply now personal Mandarin encryption filter- yes, there they are- contacts for Second Foundation.
"But they now dead or zombies" she thought.
"How to test them? How to know which one's not insane from Mule?"
Look over list- Prague, Moscow, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Munich, Davos, Lisbon, Venice, Paris & Londontown. 

"Travel to spy on each 1 by 1? Drop by just 2 say hello 2 zombie?"

II. Far East
The Dragonfly briefly lowered her eyes as a signal of respect. Princess Lei followed her into a spacious office with a room-wide window field open to a sea of daylight. The Dragon looked up from his holographic screen & rose from his seat.
"Princess Lei, your reputation precedes you. What brings you to Paradox Shipping?"
"Dragon- the Empire is falling. Trantor is now but a Dark Star of death & ruin. A peace treaty with the Old York sector beckons. You have trade route connections to that sector. Expansion of the Silk Path into the center of the galaxy is a historic opportunity. But barbarian worlds create chaos in the power vacuum, so time is precious & the worlds of the Far East must act with speed & purpose. I seek your assistance."
The Princess stood in her flowing white gown, the Yin diamond a small window of night upon her soft white bosum.
The Dragon smiled ever so slightly. The Princess was indeed a beautiful & perfect branching point in the probability tree of galactic psychohistory.

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Make Up Your Mind

Strawberry Blooms


1. Strawberry Fields Forever- The Beatles

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” 
― Mark Twain

I. Prague
Astira looked down & touched her shoes. She reached into a deep hole, feeling in the dark for her mind. Then her hand felt the warm animal of her emotions rising up within her body. The long primal state- suddenly she felt her mind implode into a small universe. She relaxed- breathless Zen beneath the stars.

II. Londontown

Sauveur explained,
"Left wing bureaucrats put me on the terror list- it's all politics & money. I threaten their status quo. Bureaucrats needed more people from the right on the list for politically correct bias. So I'm on the list. Plus they know I'm running deals for the Foundation- they don't like that. They want a bigger piece of the action. They lose too much money through Hong Kong to the Silk Path."
Sauveur paused and sipped his drink. He looked into the svelte eyes of the London Owl.
Savage British Ban

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Around The Corner

The Mule's Union Of Worlds


1. I Know- The Kickdrums

“Man is free at the instant he wants to be.” 
― Voltaire

I. Prague-

Astira near faint.
She pull scatter thoughts.
A round corner.
Find outdoor chair.
At coffee shop.
Sit and stare.
Red table.
Such power mental.
go to
Far way.
Yes- A!
Way away.

II. Paris
The Princess appeared. Once again the Yin of night bloomed into a garden of dreams- a liberty of beauty. But by morning light the Count held naught but a wraith of fleeting memory.

Later that afternoon- 
The Count dressed for an evening of theatre. He would join Kassanova in Monsieur Voltaire's private booth. The Count relished the thought of watching his Theresa in a leading role- would she send him a secret signal?
Later that evening-
"My dear Count, plays are intriguing and sometimes wise, but the players are a sorry lot."
 And Voltaire smiled politely to the Count and Kassanova. Then he added-
"Celebrities are but amusing trifles. I prefer we cultivate the garden of our acquaintances."

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Imperfect Day

Castle Of Water
1. Castle Of Glass- Linkin Park

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without." 

I. Prague
"No! I have blind faith in our First Citizen. He only wants to help us!"
exclaimed the empty shell of Astira. The autumn leaves murmured softly in the trees. The musician eyed Astira with a mixed expression. Twilight turned into night.
"I see." said the musician, and he appeared downcast.
"Look- I'm in a hurry & have to go right now." said Astira. And she disappeared into the night.

II. Paris
The dissonant chords of day followed the reverie of night- the Yang to the Yin. This grim paradox imprisoned the Count- he methodically planned his celestial escape as if he were still behind the bars of the Chateau D'If.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall Equinox

1. I Don't Care- Ramones

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.'

- Confucius


I. Prague
"I run from the rule of our First Citizen. I look for those who oppose his control- as I do. Are you one of us?"
The musician anxiously looked at Astira, waiting nervously for her reply.
The emotional shell of Astira stood bare and frozen in a den of winter snow. But in fiery color of autumn leaves, her deeper pattern of thoughts traced over all possible outcomes branching out from her reply.

II. Paris
At night the chaotic events of the day tumbled in the grey shadows of the Count's mind. He rose from his chair below the stars and greeted the Princess- her Yin diamond a perfect night of hidden dream. She spoke softly- but in strange words foreign to his understanding. And then he opened his eyes to the early light of morning.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Scatter Brain


"We rest.—A dream has power to poison sleep;

We rise.—One wandering thought pollutes the day;"
- Percy Bysshe Shelley 1


I. Far East
The Dragon turned away from his possibility tree and looked upon his daughter. An orphan of chaos, she survived as the Empire lost control over the worlds of the Far East. For the last 21 millennia the Empire ruled, stealing much of the wealth and priceless treasure built up from the time of ancient dynasties, some predating the Empire itself. The legendary lost diamond of Yang- one luminary example in this regard.
"Yes, I just received word from Astira. I believe she is in great danger. There is no one she can trust. The Second Foundation is destroyed, at least in the Euro & Central Sectors."
"I see." said the Dragon.
"Yes, I wish to travel to the Euro Sector and help her find the Second Foundation- if it still exists."
The Dragon looked at the Dragonfly but only saw his daughter. She had barely escaped the Empire- and now this?

II. Prague

"Fair young Lady- Time spent well doth sow a treasure of roses. Perchance thine spare but one carefree seed for Time's Fool?"
And the deranged puppet smiled in uncertain lines.
The shell of Astira smiled back, amused by the fancy language. But her deeper pattern of thoughts hid in the external memory of correlated atoms and molecules in her surroundings- her deeper emotions changed color in flashes of autumn leaves.
"OK. But what you want from Astira?" she asked. And she stared at the puppet through her curious mask.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Up Close


1. Come A Little Closer-
 Cage The Elephant
2. Ascending Guitars (Sadlands Demo)-
 Smashing Pumpkins

"If I understand change, I shall make no great mistake in life."-Confucius


I. Prague
Astira sensed the danger. She felt the intruder within her mind, searching her deepest thoughts & emotion. She recognized the infinite despair of pure evil- but now she had changed. She let everything go, she became one with everything around her. Astira's pattern of thought no longer existed- only the atoms & molecules of her body. Her pattern of thoughts hid in the humble grasses, hid in the slowly turning leaves of autumn, & remained invisible in the blankness of pure Zen. She watched the intruder play with the thoughts she left behind- she watched the shell of herself talk with this Musician of Darkness.

II. Far East
What if?" thought the Dragon. Intricate branches of possibility formed a graphic tree on his computing screen. There were no Seldon probabilities- normal psychohistory no longer applied- a new abnormal psychological force swept through the galaxy, something no one in the Second Foundation planned for.
"Yes, Father- I wish to have a word with you." said the Dragonfly, softly entering the room, as if she were a child's dream.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Street Mule


1. Stroke Their Brains- Spoon

“Attack the evil that is within yourself, rather than attacking the evil that is in others.”
- Confucius

I. Prague-
Intoxicating music spilled out into the street. Astira worked her way through the chaotic maze of people outside the theatre. The mild cool air of early Fall refreshed her spirit, as did the light atmosphere of conversation mixed with occasional laughter. On her left a small group of musicians eyed her as she walked by. She smiled, and then she felt a little odd. A scrawny musician with large brown eyes and the disjointed body movement of a puppet, weirdly stared, watching her every move with childlike fascination. She tried to smile back, but felt overwhelmed by a sudden gush of unexpected emotion and memories. Her smile melted.

II. Paris-
"A ruse and mirage?" thought the Count.
His tired mind and body urged him to sleep, but he lay awake thinking of his Teresa. Gradually the sands of Time ran out, and he fell into a deep sleep.
Later he awoke, rising from his cot. The moon shown bright, shining through the iron bars of his small window. But then he noticed the moon covered in white feathers- the moon quivered and turned its head, sporting a beautiful plume of sunlight! He reached out to the bird of paradise- but grasped only the bars of iron. The bird of paradise then took flight over the rolling waves, and became the moon, high above in the night sky.
The Count opened his eyes. Sunlight poured through the wide windows of his balcony. The shrill birds of Paris were music to his ear.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Theatre In Your Mind

Lost Minds

1. Lost!- Coldplay

I. Prague
Home was no longer home. Astira stood in line with her i5 passport. She felt the distortion in the emotions of the people around here. She tried to smile at the zombie man, & show him her passport image. His synthetic smile twisted into a stupid happy face. She wanted to cry, but she focused her mind instead- way too much was at stake.

A bridge to the city of the lost- she worked her way through the shine of the nightlife.
II. Paris
The Count smiled warmly. Fresh from Neptune's coast, Doge Kassanova breezed into the room.
"Count, I am but a poor player who struts & frets his hour upon the stage- but I return to your side." and Kassanova bowed politely. Then he let loose a mighty thunderclap of wind. For a full ten minutes they laughed their asses off.
Later, at dinner on the balcony, Doge spoke seriously,
"Count, this actress Teresa*, you say you have a relationship?" and Doge looked at the Count with incredulity.
"Well, sort of," said the Count.
"We send signals to each other."
Doge leaned back in his chair with an amused worry.
"Count, you saved my life once. Now let me return a favor. This popular actress is known to me. Count- listen to me, there are unpleasant things you need to know- about her. She is not what she seems. After all, she is an actress."
And Doge looked upon his friend with mild concern.

* adaptation from Count of Monte Cristo

Friday, August 16, 2013

Push The Mule

Deep Push
1. Drones In The Valley- 
    Cage The Elephant

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” 
- Confucius


Three bowls of rice & a pot filled with aromatic chicken & pineapple laid upon the ancient stone table.
"Our galaxy has no future." said the Dragon. 
Beside him the colors faded in the square reflecting pool. Gradually a luminous cloud of stars floated to the surface of the deep water.
"When the mind separates from the earth, & lives only in a cloud, there is nothing upon which to stand."
Astira looked to the Dragonfly, her eyes seeking a foundation.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Second Millennium

The First Millennium
1. Hung On Tight- Snakadaktal

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” 

- Confucius


I. 5am
Astira hung tight to the hand of the crumpled Dragonfly. Sisters of circumstance, they united against the reign of despair. But they were only human- and the depth of the despair infinite. Astira knew she could not hold out longer, & she looked into the heavy eyes of her dying sister.....
"Yes- A, it's 5am, time to wake up."
Astira opened her eyes. A sprinkling of faint stars lay on a deep blue ceiling of morning sky. Her nightmare dissipated, & she smiled at the Dragonfly. Later, they enjoyed rings of pineapple, & from deep morning mist stretching far & wide, they watched the magnificent ruins of the Lost City emerge gradually into the light- the light of a new day.

II. First Lesson
Astira gasped- the ancient steps of a past millennium stacked up high into the upper reaches of the Lost City, just below a layer of afternoon clouds. She pushed up her pace, beads of sweat flying off her body. She had a simple plan- run to the top, or die somewhere along the way.
"i5- how far to top?"
"3.3 kilometer" said i5.
"I can do that," she thought- "even tho so out of shapes." 

And so she turned to the left & pushed off onto the next ramp of steps.
Later that evening, after a tough day of training her body, it was time for her first lesson- a new kind of psychological lesson- training 
for her mind.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Lake Three Colors

The Lost City
1. Talk- Coldplay

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” 

- Confucius


I. The Path
Somewhere in the steam of dense foliage the snake unfurled with a languid body like the trunk of a tree.
"What the-" exclaimed Astira, reaching for her laser pistol. The Dragonfly took notice and they watched the massive creature slowly slide across the narrow path cutting through the jungle.
"Is python?" asked Astira.
"Yes" said the Dragonfly, calmly watching the last of the python slip back into the dark shadows.
Astira put away her laser pistol & wiped the perspiration from her brow.
"You know M, Lost City only few kilometers up path. Whatever evil force taking over galaxy- that one will not find us here in little lost corner."
"Yes, at least for now- at least for now." repeated the Dragonfly.

II. The Lost City

The lake of blue sky deepened into a violet hue stained by the pink veil of a hidden sun. Astira turned from the dark curtains of green mountain and walked over to the Dragon- seated by a square pool, lit up in reflected splendor. The Dragonfly stood nearby, hovering in the calm twilight air.

The Dragon spoke-

"The future of our galaxy is now in peril- even the laws of psychohistory break down in the face of this cult- this cult of mind control now sweeping our galaxy. This abnormal mass psychosis changes everything- the people that are insane do not even know they are insane."
"Dragon" said Astira,
"There might be one lone survivor in Second Foundation- in European theatre."
And Astira looked 
eagerly into the eyes of the Dragon, but saw only the skepticism of the experienced.

"Dragon- believe me- I know I reach way too far into unknown, but I sense this one different- I can intuitive feel it."
And Astira felt her eyes pleading to the Dragon to believe her, to trust her intuition.
But the Dragon lived upon a high mountain of life experience, and remained meditative in his Zen.

Later that night, Astira looked up at the twinkling stars of the Lost City- and she fell asleep, watching them all rain from the sky.

Lake 3 Colors

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Goodbye


1. Destination
  Smashing Pumpkins
2. Fiction- The xx

"Everything has its beauty,
But not everyone sees it."
- Confucius

"So- you shall return to live in the Far East?" the Count asked.
Princess Lei lowered her eyes and then looked up into his.
"Yes, my life is in the Far East- not here in Paris."
"I see- before you go I have a small farewell gift."
The Count walked over to a small unusual cabinet, turning the archaic lock with a skeleton key.
"Princess, safeguard this small box & only open it on a special day. It is a token of our friendship."
The Count bowed & gave her the small box. They held hands for a moment and brushed cheeks. She took the small box into her hands, exploring the highly unusual and archaic object- something that seemed to be from a previous century. She smiled and then they said goodbye.
A few moments later later the Count stood at the balcony and watched the Princess fly away as if a butterfly in the night. Just like the laughing Buddha and the hidden door leading to the Pearl of Dreams, she was now a closed chapter in his life. But the Yang diamond had found a new home.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Sumer Dream

1. French Renaissance Song-
   A Krylov (lute)
2. Day After Day- Badfinger


I. Mountain Castle

The Empire ruled by death & taxes. Princess Lei greeted the Trantorian Royal Ambassador, bowing to acknowledge her second tier status.
"Please rise." said the Ambassador.
"Now tell me Lei, what troubles your pretty little head?"
A sympathetic mime expression like a tragic mask drew tightly over his face.
"Ambassador, it is the third arrow of reform." she said.
"The third arrow?"
He looked around as if confused.
"Oh dear- I think I've lost count!"
The Ambassador then smiled broadly & laughed, turning to his amused court. She felt nothing that she had not felt before- a thousand times over. She looked up at the distant stars that formed a celestial roof in the castle ruins- she regained her balance.
The Ambassador turned back to her and said-
"My fair Princess, I'm looking everywhere for that third arrow!"
Suddenly with no warning the Ambassador jolted backward with a sickening thud, clutching with horror an arrow buried deep within his chest. She knew the war between the stars had just begun.

The Count held the sleeping Princess in his arms. The Pearl of Dreams could reveal the Truth and the Future- whether good or bad. Her eyes darted about beneath beautiful closed lids- he held her gently as she began to wake. Perhaps the Truth and the Future were too much for mere mortals to bear.

II. Paris
6 PM- the Count rose from a chair and walked to the balcony. There below on the street- like a summer butterfly- the Princess flitted about the flowering pedestrians, making her way to the Count's door.