Saturday, June 28, 2008

Falling Star

Falling Star

1. Here With Me - Michelle Branch
2. Find Your Way Back - Michelle Branch

Feeling the weight of the cosmos press upon her, Beta bid adieu to
Count Bling & Toran & rushed outside into the cool starlight of
Valloire. The foriegn streets offered no solace- the familiar path
through her garden on Terminus lay at the edge of the galaxy, not here
near the center. Long ago it was there her heart revealed its truth &
she reached for her silver pendant- a reassuring gleam of her prowess.
Overhead, a star flickered & fell gently to the horizon.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008


1. Signs Of Love- Moby

Astira & Taran watched the curved blue surface of Dauphine grow until the Trader Star sank deep into the atmosphere. The cabin’s three dimensional holographic screen suffused in azure light. Aerial currents of spacecraft glittered in the last light of the sun, now gradually eclipsed by the looming horizon. Thin wisps of clouds melted over the star strewn velvet of night.
"Is really beautiful," said Astira, & she placed her hand upon Taran's shoulder.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

La Toussuire

La Toussuire

1. No Matter What - Badfinger

Astira lifted her eyes & brushed aside a wisp of hair strayed across
her cheek.
"Taron, b4 I take u 2 the moon 4 Traders- mayb u do a little trick 4
"Oh, & what would that be?" said Taron, as he looked up from the
progamming dashboard of the Trader Star.
"Well," and Astira looked away thoughtfully into the cabin's
holographic image of Poznan's upper atmosphere, "Mayb u take Astira
back 2 Dauphine 4 just a little bit?"
"Dauphine, why Dauphine?"
"I needs 2 tie up some looser ends with a banker-trader, = a Count of

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fast & Slow

Fast & Slow

1. Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins
2. Sway- The Kooks

The next day the sun rose in a fresh sky.
"Tarin, long way 2 go now- I like 2 start fast on this one."
And Tarin smiled at Astira.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008



1. Clocks - Coldplay

Astira opened a small gate on a white picket fence adorned with a
handful of flowers & led Taron to the door of her apartment. Inside,
Taron knew, her desk beneath the golden branches enjoyed a pleasing
window view. As she unlocked her front door, her gliding hair parted
to reveal once again the image of a dog with a spiked collar, just
below the sky blue sleeve of her Astana top.
"Astira," said Taron, biting his lip as he thought carefully about his
words, "I know your dog talks to in your sleep, but is he a real dog?"
Astira turned around & stared at Taron, "U think my brain confuses
real things & imagines?"

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