Saturday, July 21, 2012

L'île des rȇves

seurat- grande jatte
1. Dream #9- John Lennon


Edmund reeled backward and staggered senseless from the cave- his brain seized in a daze of utter disbelief. Below the trees he could hear the breaking surf and far away lay the blue horizon of sea and sky. He wanted to run away forever but he turned back to the night of the cave and she stood there- veiled in a gown of pale white moonlight- and he felt his soul drowning within her eyes. Her eyes, her eyes like warm watercolors in a distant spring. He then reached out to hold her but he held only the moonlight.
"Count!" exclaimed the Princess- and she rushed to his side. 

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Black Diamond

1. Speed Of Sound- Coldplay


As the sun set somewhere, somewhere it rose- the yin to the yang. Dressed in the shadows of night, Princess Lei made her way to the Count's apartment. The weight of revolution lay heavily upon her shoulders. The door opened.
The Count rose to greet the Princess, admiring the simple lines of her gown in flowing black silk. 
"Princess Lei, so good of you to join us." And then the Count stopped- astonished and stricken with the emotion of a deep memory. He stared at the luminescing black diamond perched upon the soft white breast of the Princess.
"Princess Lei, your diamond necklace…." 
The Princess spoke in soft clear words.
"Count, the black diamond is exceedingly rare. Like other black diamonds, it was created in a supernova billions of years ago. Most black diamonds are polycrystalline, but this diamond is a pure crystal. It is the Yin diamond, and legend says there exists an interlocking Yang diamond. The Yang diamond is lost to history though." And the Princess smiled and pursed her lips.
The Count's eyes began to tear in the wonder of it all. How many years ago on that distant island of hidden treasure- how many years ago when the Count first opened that archaic box on that deserted island- thousands upon thousands of sparkling jewels in waterfall cascade- and there, in a seperate small compartment- a perfect black diamond with a strange interlocking shape- the Yang diamond!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Liberty Tree

"A fair budding branch from the gardens above,
Where millions with millions agree,
She brought in her hand as a pledge of her love,
And the plant she named Liberty Tree.
The celestial exotic struck deep in the ground,
Like a native it flourished and bore;
The fame of its fruit drew the nations around,
To seek out this peaceable shore."
- Thomas Paine

1. The Journey- Boston
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