Thursday, November 25, 2010

Midnight Star

Midnight Star

1. Wishing On A Star- Beyonce'
2. Stand Inside Your Love- Smashing Pumpkins

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius

After the Count's banquet of escargot, black caviar, red octopus and
chocolate truffles, after the good Baron & the Lady Elliot retired
for the evening, & after the Count himself disappeared into his
chamber, the Turkish princess crept softly to the balcony at the
midnight hour, whereupon she contemplated the panorama of the heavens
and the myriad fates of living creatures such as the one's of her own
acquaintence. The silent splendor of night listened intently.

"The dreaming night holds bright a diamond light- a wish upon a star.
The waking day does pray for dreams to stay- to clasp a star so

Astira touched her shuffle. She wanted to listen in.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Rare Earths

The Rare Earths

1. The Underdog- Spoon
2. The First Twilight- Deep Forest

"The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first
interest; success comes only later." - Confucius

Astira moved quickly, taking cover behind a shipping pallet much
closer to Miss Change & her captors. And then she read one of the
labels on a shipping crate-

"Shipping #17711FIBO
Item= Rare Earth Mineral
Destination= Foundation"

Everyone in the galaxy knew of the imaginary world named Earth from
galactic mythology- but that wasn't the point. Everyone knew the
mysterious & powerful Foundation imported metals & minerals & would
pay almost any price to get them- that was the point that mattered.
That fact supported an entire branch of forecast psychohistory.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Trickle Up Austerity

Trickle Up Austerity*

1. Sister Jack- Spoon

"What you do not want done to yourself, do not do unto others." -
The next day Count Bling & his two guests met outside a nearby cafe.
Animated protesters still roamed the Parisian streets. A number of the
protesters uttered rude catcalls.
------ 1 decade later-----
Astira controlled her fear. Then she got an idea. Grabbing a nearby
mop she poked the mop head just above the shipping crates. Suddenly
the mop head burst into a flaming effigy. In a bold move which
surprised even herself, she lunged into the open, dropped to a knee &
fired her laser pistol. Unlike the laser beam incinerating the ruse
mop, Astira's laser beam retraced a deadly accurate line to her target.

* This title is a shameless rip-off of Mike Savage's new book.

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