Saturday, November 6, 2010

Trickle Up Austerity*

1. Sister Jack- Spoon

"What you do not want done to yourself, do not do unto others." -
The next day Count Bling & his two guests met outside a nearby cafe.
Animated protesters still roamed the Parisian streets. A number of the
protesters uttered rude catcalls.
------ 1 decade later-----
Astira controlled her fear. Then she got an idea. Grabbing a nearby
mop she poked the mop head just above the shipping crates. Suddenly
the mop head burst into a flaming effigy. In a bold move which
surprised even herself, she lunged into the open, dropped to a knee &
fired her laser pistol. Unlike the laser beam incinerating the ruse
mop, Astira's laser beam retraced a deadly accurate line to her target.

* This title is a shameless rip-off of Mike Savage's new book.

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