Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Rare Earths

1. The Underdog- Spoon
2. The First Twilight- Deep Forest

"The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first
interest; success comes only later." - Confucius

Astira moved quickly, taking cover behind a shipping pallet much
closer to Miss Change & her captors. And then she read one of the
labels on a shipping crate-

"Shipping #17711FIBO
Item= Rare Earth Mineral
Destination= Foundation"

Everyone in the galaxy knew of the imaginary world named Earth from
galactic mythology- but that wasn't the point. Everyone knew the
mysterious & powerful Foundation imported metals & minerals & would
pay almost any price to get them- that was the point that mattered.
That fact supported an entire branch of forecast psychohistory.

Sent from my iPhone

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