Friday, December 26, 2014

The Dream Of The Future

The High Mountains
1. Tomorrow Never Knows
-The Beatles

"Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most."


I. Valloire- New Year's Eve
The Twinkling Star fell from the night sky onto the high mountain. From the warm cabin Astira could see through the invisible walls. A vast snowdrift stretched upward in the moonlight toward the dark peak, interrupting the slide of stars in the Milky Way. Far below to the south, she could see the lights of Valloire shining in the valley.
"Thanks for the lift!" said Astira, tightening the laces on her boots.
"You can see the lights of the Valloire spaceport off to the right."
Astira stood up straight, ready to leave.
"Young lady, will you not join our party at my chateau?" asked the Count.
"I cannot- the Mule knows me & I suspect he is in town. I have a secret meeting with a secret mentor. I must go my own way."
The Count gazed at the young woman. He didn't know her, yet something about her seemed familiar.
"You must take care- it is not safe to travel alone here." said the Count.
"Count- I know that. One is never 100% safe in life. Everything is risk." said Astira.
A door opened. Princess Lei & the Count watched Astira disappear into the cold night.
One hour passed. The Count & the Princess walked to the double door of his brightly lit mountain chateau.
"Count & Lady, a Jovian pleasure to meet you. My name is Bosco. Count, I am your new personal companion & valet."
"Indeed," said the Count, somewhat surprised. He surveyed with interest the puny young man.
"Where is my Saint Bernard?" asked the Count, with mild concern.
"Family matters, Count. Please lay down all of your concerns. You may trust my loyal pledge to do my best- a humble & honored substitute in his absence." The puny young man bowed curtly.
"Very well." said the Count.
"I trust the preparations for my New Year's Eve party are all in order?"
"Indeed they are Count. Guests are due to arrive within the hour."
"Magnificent Bosco! Princess Lei, allow Bosco to escort you to your room. Perhaps you wish to rest & freshen up a bit. We face a long midnight vigil to the beginning of the New Year."

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Dream Of Christmas Present

Christmas Morning
1. Neverlands
-Night Flowers
2. Messengers Of Christmas
3. Fum, Fum, Fum
-Mannheim Steamroller

"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star."



I. Paris
⏳Christmas Eve-
Thor thrashed till the midnight hour. Then silence. The Count rose from his chair and walked to the balcony window. White jasmine flowers of moonlit snow fell from the cold heavens.

⌛️Christmas Morning-
With some difficulty, the Count pulled open his apartment door. Snow and ice formed a winter pyramid of the Louvre.
"Princess Lei- I am astonished!"
exclaimed the Count, extending his gracious hand and bowing slightly. He stood up straight and noticed her two companions.
"Count- the galaxy is in peril. Time is of the essence." said the Princess.
"Princess, you are wise as the Buddha, who tells us time is not the privilege of the mortal man. But please, spare an hour of repose from your marathon of endeavors. It is Christmas morning- allow me to offer you & your companions a small measure of comfort."
The Count smiled warmly and then held open the door- as if he were a servant of the house.

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Friday, December 19, 2014

The Dream Of Christmas Past

1. My Love Is Winter
-Smashing Pumpkins

"Study the Past if you would define the Future."



I. The White Cliffs
"Look into my eyes child."

With her wrinkled hands, Vivienne gently held the ivory cheeks of Princess Lei.
"You had a very bad dream. Magnifico was in that dream. Listen to me child, Magnifico is only a dark phantom- a dark mirror of your psyche."
The eyes of Princess Lei glazed over like sleepy crescent moons. The light of morning rose.
"Yes child, it is almost time for you to wake. But first you must let go of that dark specter in the night."
Vivienne removed her soft hands from the Princess. She held up the crown of black jade on her cane.
"Child, let your mind flow, release everything. Let the bad dream run away to a faraway castle of jade hiding in the black night."
Vivienne waved her cane & the Princess awoke.
"Who are you?" asked Princess Lei.
Astira stared at Phonon Li. Her story was unbelievable. She slowly reached for her laser pistol. Was Phonon Li the Mule? Astira became one with her surroundings- the slow waves below the cliff washed away her panic. She wandered for years & years within the mind of Phonon Li. It was both strange & familiar. Fanning out into a vast country, Astira explored for miles & miles. But there was no Great Wall. There could be no Mule hiding behind that wall. Astira stood in Phonon Li's private garden by the tree blossom, & she felt the warmth of the morning sun. Her black hair shown like silk in the honey light.
"So," said Astira,
"You like Musicians?"

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Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Finger

1. Star Of Wonder- Tori Amos

"When the wise man points at the Moon, the idiot looks at the finger."


I. White Cliffs

~Dear M & Archimedes
Events overtake us with blind speed. I get message from Aristarchus. Top leadership of 2nd Foundation gathers. I tell Aristarchus 2nd Foundation survivors should meet in Londontown- it is safe from Mule- Dragon said this as you know. But this is vital secret- if Mule find out 2nd Foundation leadership gather in one place, that Mule could conquer their minds in one fell swoop.
M- I leave immediately for Valloire to meet with Aristarchus & Jamu- you remember Jamu the local mountain climber? Then we can meet up at Londontown with 2nd Foundation & plan big attack on the Mule.
Take care!
Astira touched her shiny i6- the fateful letter flew to the white cottage. She looked up at the pre dawn sky- only a few bright stars survived in the deep azure dome. Her gaze slowly drifted down to the soft warm light of the horizon. Then she noticed something odd. Beyond the winding edge of the now visible cliff, she could see the morning glint of a spacecraft floating on the water, hidden in a narrow discreet cove. She flipped on her i6. A small hologram of a Foundation craft appeared. Above the flickering fine scale magnified image glowed an icon- a white Jasmine flower.

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Freedom Holds Up The World

1. Atlas- Coldplay

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."

I. White Cliffs
"I can't go back to the white cottage & face the Mule."
Astira realized.
"Unlike in Prague, the Mule knows who I am. He could break down any mental barricade I could construct in my mind. If I tell Archimedes that the Mule is disguised as the Dragonfly, the Mule would find out by reading his mind. And if I just disappear, the Mule will become suspicious. What do I do?"
Astira furrowed her brow & looked far below at the breakers crashing upon the moonlit face of the cliff. Her panicked thoughts thrashed about like waves in a chaotic sea. She crouched down near the fateful edge of the cliff & felt dizzy.
"The Mule is in complete control- nothing can stop him. The galaxy is doomed."
She shrugged. She breathed in deeply the cool night air. It seemed to calm her. She became one with her surroundings, & listened to the logic of the universe. And then, out of the darkness, she saw the moonlit path. In a flash her emotions rose up to the stars & she realized her unique position- she could now turn the tables & stop the Mule dead in his tracks!"

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Outside In

Mong Kok
1. Sister Jack- Spoon

"To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."



I. The White Cliffs
Astira held the tiny note from the Dragonfly in trembling fingers. The note was authentic- encrypted with the Dragon's personal key. But the Dragonfly was already here at the white cottage- having arrived 2 days ago. And she was not with child. And she made no mention of being with child. And she looked & behaved in every way like the Dragonfly Astira knew. She shared secrets known only to themselves. So the Dragonfly was definitely here, & the tiny note must be fake.
She paused uncomfortably. But the tiny note was encrypted with the Dragon's key. The note was signed with the Dragonfly's identifier known only to themselves. So the tiny note was authentic- the Dragonfly must be in the Far East with a child.
Astira blinked hard. She looked out across the moonlit sea. And then it clicked. She shuddered & for the first time in her life felt real fear. Yes- there was a simple explanation. This one bizarre explanation had a name.
Astira covered her eyes & fell to her knees. She blocked out everything in her mind but for the crashing of the breakers below. They were the key. Then she opened up her eyes to the stars. Yes- unbelievable but true- she had spent the last 2 days talking with the most disguised & insidious threat ever known to the Galaxy- The Mule.
Shengzi Li ran with the moonlight along the edge of the cliff- about 13 miles from the White Castle. How to alert what remained of the Second Foundation?

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Just Believe?

1. Raised By Wolves- U2

"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of." -Confucius


I. The White Castle
"My Lady, I am the people's daily voice. I listen to the whisper of the man on the street. I walk in his shoes for miles & miles. I know him as I know myself. Our dreams are one & the same & we belong together- there is no freedom apart. Only in the Union Of Worlds is there freedom- & I am the First Citizen."
The Mule paused, looking hypnotically into the glazed eyes of Princess Lei. The Mule whispered-
"My Fair Lady, now you see why the Dragon is such a bad man. He doesn't believe in our Union Of Worlds. You must help me destroy the Dragon."
The Mule then stood up straight, without any trace of awkward motion.
The Mule jerked in surprise & rapidly turned toward the stern voice.
"Vivienne!" hissed The Mule, baring his teeth.
"Magnifico- you've been a bad boy. What did I tell you about being a bad boy?"
& the tall old granny dressed in black stood before the Mule, clutching her cane with a crown of black jade.
"Vivienne, you do not command me. My powers are too great."
"Shut up!" said Vivienne, & she jabbed Magnifico with her cane.
"You don't talk to me like that."
And she concentrated her eyes & knocked Magnifico down to the floor in one powerful wave of dark despair.

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Freedom Wall

Black Diamond

The true voice of the people is not "The People's Daily."

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Saturday, October 11, 2014


1. Towards Happiness Towards the Bastille!
- Wang Zang

"With course rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow- I have still joy in the midst of these things."
- Confucius

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

This Could Be

1. Paradise- Coldplay

"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."
- Confucius

I. Early Hong Kong

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Morning

Hong Kong
1. Satellite- Collective Soul

Yen Yuan-
"May I ask what are it's signs?"
"To be always courteous of eye & courteous of ear; to be always courteous in word & courteous in deed." 
From Sayings Of Confucius
Book XII

I. White Castle
Princess Lei & The Mule 

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Saturday, September 20, 2014


1. Watch For White Noise
- The Kickdrums

"By one word a gentleman shows wisdom, by one word want of wisdom. Words must not be lightly spoken."
- Tzu-Kung 
 Book XIX, 
"The Sayings Of Confucius"

I. The White Cliffs
Astira magnified the hidden NanoTech inscription-
Yes- Am with child. Cannot join you at White Castle. Another join soon- so be it said the é¾™. Like the humble blade of grass, you must bend in the wind.

Astira gazed at the White Castle. The  waves crashed & the moon played tricks with shadows. 

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Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Edge Of Everything

1. Every Breaking Wave- U2

"Wisdom has no doubts, love does not fret; the bold have no fears."
- Confucius
Book IX, "The Sayings Of Confucius"

I. The White Cliffs
"The Mule is in love with my defeat."
Astira whispered to the breakers.
"That's the key."
She realized.

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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Photo Toast


1.  Be My Baby- Ronettes

"After I came back from Wei to Lu the music was set straight & each song found its place."

- Confucius
"The Sayings Of Confucius" Book IX


I. Paris
The Count knew well the ways of danger & betrayal. At Leigh-On-Sea the historian of the future, M. Valentine, warned him of the rise of a new Napoleon- one who imprisoned people by controlling their minds. This was the Mule- the nemesis of freedom throughout the galaxy. What could one mortal being- Princess Lei- possibly do to counter this threat? He knew the answer- nothing. Her black diamond lay powerless in the face of a tsunami. The dark chill of prison fell over the Count. He knew the evil of the world first hand. He grasped his silver spoon & dug the tunnel with determination. He would save the Abbé, & together they would escape.

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Galactic Seed

The Eye Of Sting
1. Send Your Love- Sting

"Seeking a foothold for self, love finds a foothold for others; seeking light for itself, it enlightens others too." - Confucius
From Book VI in "The Sayings Of Confucius"

I. The White Castle
The night cloud, the cliff shadow & Shengzi Li moved as one. The cusped moon watched & she spoke not one particle of sound. Her companions in the sky- the twinkling stars- threw particles of ancient light on the shadowed rock. Time- particles of sand in an hourglass- counted the steps of her vertical path. Then her twisting fingers of light touched the bamboo sill of the window. She listened to the song of the Princess. She heard the bray of the Mule. And the full moon threw her light in a shower of rice.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Mount Song & The Pagoda Forest

Shaoshi Mountain
1. Spies- Coldplay

Fan Ch'ih- "What is love?"

Confucius- "To rank the effort above the prize may be called love."
From "The Sayings Of Confucius" Book VI


I. The White Cliffs
She walked back through her window. Her young eyes opened wide at the sight of the forest of pagodas. Shaolin monks moved like water, flowing about the tall pagodas reaching to the sky. From millennia past, she knew the civilization of the Yellow Emperor. But now she lived in the present- the eternal moment of the here & now. This way of truth revealed itself to her. The Shaolin monks had only whispered in her ear. Their words flowed naturally like the water in a stream, or the wind in the trees & the moving clouds. There was no difference- only oneness.
She opened her eyes. Her door stood open to the world- but vacant. Magnifico peeked around the corner.
"My Lady, your thoughts flow pure as moonlight, & my interruption but a wandering cloud at night. But I bear good news!"
She smiled & then looked outside her window. The moonlight reappeared, illuminating the face of the castle wall. Her eyes casually adjusted & wandered over the sights below. Then she stopped- unbelieving. Impossible. A dark figure scaled the castle wall- climbing rapidly at one with the brief shadow of a cloud. 

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

1 Moment

1 Moment
1. Getting Lost
 - White Arrows


I. The White Castle
The sun blinked. Princess Lei saw only the stars. She lost all sense of time. She felt thoughts foreign to her own. She turned around & saw the Count. He sat cross legged, floating in the air. He spoke but his words of helium floated away. She spoke but her heavy words sunk slowly to the floor. He smiled & became a Buddha, sitting upon an unusual horse. She looked into the sad brown eyes of the mysterious horse. She blinked.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

Morning Light

1. Under Heaven's Skies
  - Collective Soul

"If what one has to say is not better than silence, then one should keep silent." - Confucius

I. The White Castle & Paris
The image vanished. Silence fell upon her small room. Princess Lei walked to her nearby window & opened the latch. The scent of the sea & the pounding of breakers far below poured into the room. On the horizon a flood of new born stars poured brightly into the faint arc of light now fading fast into the dark mirror of the sea. In a universe of constant change, everything seemed transitory- yet eternal. A paradox.

The Count turned away from his books & returned to his balcony. The small moon shown bright above the city, a white jasmine flower at its zenith, embedded in a garden of stars. The arc of his life formed a panorama of voluptuous change beyond credibility. He breathed deeply, the morning waves massaging his broken body. The morning light brought to him a gift of freedom. He felt as if he were a young child born into the world- a world of freedom- a world long lost & now regained. Now like a Buddha, he listened to Athena & Aristarchus. He realized he lived in a tiny microcosm- a brief fractal moment in a century of millennia spreading across the vast galaxy of civilization.

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

On The Cusp

On The Cusp
1. When I Dream at Night- Marc Anthony
2. I Could Fall In Love- Selena

I. Paris & The White Castle
"Count- Paradox Shipping- the owner, a man known only as the Dragon, warns me that our galaxy is in peril. He says that a form of mind control is sweeping through the galaxy, conquering everything in its path."
Princess Lei paused, uncertain how the Count would react to such an outlandish claim. In a piquant moment, the Count raised his eyebrows, but then recovered his balance.
"My Lady, the Dragon speaks words of fire. But the madness of crowds is a common phenomenon of history. I urge you to remain calm & aware. But more to the point, what can any one person do?"
The Princess held her Yin diamond close to her bosom. Born from the stars, her black diamond empowered her to create something good from something bad.
"Count, the Dragon says there is a person known as the Mule, and this one person is the source of the madness. I am looking for this Mule. Perhaps I can help save the galaxy."
And Princess Lei stood revealed before the Count.
"My Lady, please tread carefully, I sense danger is afoot. I recall the Spanish proverb-
"De músico, poeta y loco, todos tenemos un poco."
And the Count extended his hand to the Princess- but there was only the light of Heaven.

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Friday, July 18, 2014

The Hideout

Saint Emilion
1. Embers- Night Flowers
2. Run Right Back- The Black Keys


I. Paris & The White Castle
"Count, as I said, I cannot tell the whole story right now- right now as we speak over this hyperlink."
The Princess moved her hand over her bosom, touching her black diamond. A circular wavelet of dark static flowed outward from her pendant, undulating her image like waves from a pebble tossed into a pond. Her moist eyes opened up like the petals of a flower, inviting the Count to return to her garden.
"Have you ever heard of Paradox Shipping?"
The Count paused. He thought for a moment.
"I do believe I have." He said.
"Do they not export our finest wines to the Far East?"
And the Count feigned a look of intrigue. But his facade of intrigue quickly faded. Once again he wandered in her garden of mystery- humble & without artifice. Her words became warm gentle breezes of Kiritimati, circling around his shipwrecked soul.
"Yes they do, from the vineyards of Saint Emilion in particular. I've never been there, but they say the climate is heaven, wedded to the ways of the vine."
 And the Princess paused, gazing at the Count.
"My Lady, I know the climes of Saint Emilion well. It's true- drops of wine rain gently from the heavens, blessed by Thor."

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Next Step

Next Step
1. Between The World & You
- The Hawk In Paris


I. Paris & The White Castle
Quintana bid adieu. The Count bowed & watched the man from the Andes recede from his view. The late afternoon sun sank low in spirit. The Count felt the heavy shadows fall in curtains upon his heart. And so another day passed.
He turned away from the balcony & sought his interior room of books. And then he bolted awake. He noticed the luminous icon- a pure white jasmine star set upon the black velvet of night- the personal seal of Princess Lei. He touched the icon.
A radiant bucket of light poured out into his room. She stood before him, in his study, a living image with a only a trace of dark optical static.
"Princess Lei, so good of you drop by."
The Count bowed slightly.
"Count- it's so wonderful to see you again. I am at the White Castle. I can't tell you how or why. There are forces larger than all of us at work."
She paused, her Asian eyes slanting down in a wet bamboo garden. The Count could see through her troubled eyes. He walked through her garden, reaching out, seeking her jasmine flower hiding somewhere in the bamboo. But there was only rain.
"My Lady, such as it is now, such as it has been since the beginning of history. Please, tell me your story."

And then the Count noticed something strange. Behind the Princess, he spied a spindly dark shadow, a stick man peeking out from behind a door. The stick man darted out of sight, as if he were hiding. The Count felt a chill run down his spine, as he once felt long ago in the Catacombs of Italy.

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Friday, July 4, 2014

The First Foundation

1. I Had A Good Time- Boston

"Genius without education is like silver in the mine."
- Ben Franklin

I. Terminus
"Everyone in the galaxy knows that Terminus lacks natural resources- including metals. But the Foundation backs its credits with silver-  & these credits are now recognized across most of the galaxy. That's another reason the Silk Path is so important- beyond the rare Earths used for hyperspace. The Foundation needs an increasing supply of silver to back up our increasing supply of credits. Our credits are in high demand across the galaxy- just like our tech products. But we need more silver- & the Silk Path takes us to Silver Dragon Resources- a huge potential source of silver."
John Atoms paused. Toran leaned back in his chair, taking it all in.
"So let me guess- you want me to contact that Oriental Princess again, set up another deal like the Rare Earths."
Sauveur asked, rather calmly.
"Exactly, as soon as possible,"
& John Atoms sipped his tea earnestly.
"Well, you know, I don't exactly trust her. She almost didn't come through with the Rare Earths last time- remember?"
& Sauveur began to frown.
"I understand. What endeavor is without risk? Nothing ventured- nothing gained. I want you to set up a deal as soon as possible."

Outside the low rise building a young woman stood just beyond the natural light falling out from the transparent wall. The cool night air clarified her thoughts. The Diamonds hung in a necklace just above the horizon of water. Bayta touched her silver pendant & a luminous galaxy appeared. She gently held the galaxy in her hands, turning it around to see the Silk Path. She pulled the galaxy apart, & it grew deeper & more intricate in detail- she could see the Silk Path like a glow worm winding through the nebula. And on the opposite edge of her galaxy, just above the water, a small bright blue diamond hung just beyond the luminous vapor stretching out into the cool black night. Terminus.

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Long Solstice

The Long Solstice
1. Move With The Season -Temples

"Study the Past, if you would define the Future."

I. The White Castle
Late afternoon dragged. Would the sun ever flash cherry red & slip beneath the twinkling cover of night? Princess Lei touched her black diamond. Now she could see through the walls of the White Castle, & watch the dark infrared silhouettes of the people inside. A small group of warm silhouettes hovered by the gate. She touched her black diamond. Now she could hear their distant voices whisper in her ear. She noticed Magnifico perk up his ears, & then smile weirdly, as if he were amused.
"My Lady. Thine crystal quill doth write upon the Heavens all that is known to our Cosmos. Can it write the Future?"
& Magnifico looked curiously into her eyes.

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Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Ribbon World

Everlasting June
1. Mesmerize- Temples

"a continuous garden, swimming in the eternal morning of an eternal June"

- Isaac Asimov
Chapter 16,
"Foundation & Empire"


I. Northern Coast
"Count- Free Traders from 27 worlds meet on the ribbon world of Radole within the month. The Foundation, the Free Traders, the Union of the Mule & even remnants of the old Empire, swirl in a toxic mix of confusion. Danger is rife throughout the galaxy. Your investment in Paradox Shipping is in peril."
The Count sighed & looked across the channel waters. Seadoos streaked the afternoon water- like shooting stars in every direction. And like the stars in a warped galaxy, they were spinning out of control.

II. Southern Coast
"My Lady, behold the White Castle!"
Magnifico stretched out a spindly arm, as if he were a bare but lovely tree, & pointed to the distant cliff on the coastal horizon.
Princess Lei touched her black diamond. A virtual lens formed & magnified her view. She could see the majestic castle spires rise above the rock walls of the cliff, waving colorful pennants like ribbons in the sky, far above the violent white breakers of the sea. After a long minute perusing the castle, she touched her black diamond & the optical lens vanished. She turned to Magnifico.
"Magnifico, how long will it take for us to reach the castle?"
"My Lady, the White Castle remains a stout bastion of the centuries against the ravages of time & the sea. One mortal sunset counts but a trifle."
And Magnifico curled his lips into a barren smile.

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Mind Woes

1. Mind Eraser- The Black Keys
"As a flower that is lovely & beautiful, but is scentless, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who practices it not." 
I. The Deep Forest
Magnifico led the Princess to the caravan. Teams of russet horses pulled a line of country wagons along a dirt road in a wide dell. She could smell the warm equine odor as she watched Magnifico trott along side a team of horses, moving his head up & down, back & forth, making whinny noises as though he were a horse.
After a long day, at nightfall, the stars appeared one by one in unfamiliar patterns. Magnifico smiled at the Princess.
"My Lady. The petals of a budding rose hath not your patience. Yet in due time a rose spreads it's scented wings, & no flight of heaven's fancy can compare."

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

The New Normal

The Mule's Normal
1. Mental Traveler
    -The Kickdrums

"What the eye doesn't see & the mind doesn't know, doesn't exist."

- D H Lawrence


I. Cottage On The White Cliffs
"Archimedes- In Prague I hid my deepest mind in the trees, & left behind only surface thoughts for the Mule to examine. In this way I escaped detection as a member of the Second Foundation. But believe me, his mental powers are extraordinary. The Mule could have crushed the real "Astira" out of existence. I would turn to Zombie, & smile stupidly all day long."
Archimedes listened with great concern. The Dragonfly lowered her eyes, seeking an inner light, high above the dark restless waters before the storm.

II. The Deep Forest
She didn't quite know what to think. She stared at the spindly green man, his frame now upright, his large brown eyes watching her every move. The man had a face only a mother could love- his elongated nose formed a crooked beak, casting a crooked shadow in the moonlight.
"Who are you?" Princess Lei asked.
"I am Magnifico Giganticus- Fortune's Fool, my Fair Lady!"
& he bowed once again, though briefly, & not so deeply.
"This is getting weird." She thought to herself. Magnifico's face drooped a bit.
"Still, perhaps Magnifico can help me find the Mule, perhaps in the White Castle." And she continued thinking in a quiet thoughtful way.
Magnifico looked at her, slowly growing a faint sly grin.
"My Lady. Let me take you to the White Castle by the sea. With any luck, perhaps you might meet the the White Queen!"
Princess Lei stood amazed for a moment. How lucky she was! It seemed like Magnifico had just read her mind!

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Where Is The Mule?

White Cliff Cottage
1. Crests Of Waves- Coldplay

"Instead of chopping yourself down to fit the world, chop the world down to fit yourself."

- D H Lawrence

I. The White Cliffs
Stars sparkled in the night sky.
"Where now is this Mule?" demanded Astira. She looked at Archimedes sitting with crossed legs on the backyard table.
"No one knows. The last known sighting is from a rebel pioneer who left the Second Foundation about 20 years ago. He contacted me from out of the blue 2 weeks ago. He said the Mule now holds the White Queen in his power. That makes sense, but I don't know if I can trust the word of this strange man."
"Who is strange man? How can he get so close to the Mule?" demanded Astira, her eyes filtering as though looking through a dark abyss.
"He changed his whole life- he is now known only as the Dragon Of the East."

The dark abyss cracked & exploded into a kaleidoscope. Astira looked at the Dragonfly & they burst into laughter.

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Morning Flower

Mystic Morning
1. Ground Zero- Night Flowers

"All people dream, but not equally."
- D H Lawrence

I. The Deep Forest-
Awake! The Twinkling Star vanished like a moonlit dream. Princess Lei looked around, surrounded by the night of tall dark trees. Animals & birds moved around her, circling about in dull red embers of infrared heat sensed by her Yin diamond. She turned left. She intuitively sensed a strange presence watching her- just out of sight in the shadows. Her Yin could feel the invisible heat of the warm body, cloaked in the cool night shadow, perhaps watching her every move. Her eyes opened wide to the dark, and she stood alert & poised, as if she were a wild fox caught in the moonlight.
"My Lady! Dreams are but flowers in the night- but thine wild bloom dost wake this deep forest of sleeping hearts!" 
And a spindly creature of a man emerged from the shadows, & bowed precariously, waving his arms in a sweeping gesture.

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Friday, April 11, 2014

The Year Of The Mule

Night Dragonfly
1. Bound- Night Flowers

"Silence is a true friend who never betrays."

- Confucius

I. The White Cottage
Change- birth, life then death. Astira frowned & looked at Archimedes perched in the dark. He turned away from the glowing mathematics & met her gaze.
"Something changed. There is birth & death- but there is no life. Everything the Mule touches becomes corrupt- a one way path to a meaningless existence. People become zombies, their lives a meaningless sport which never ends. There is no real life- only faith in a collective illusion. No one will break the chain, no one has the courage to see- there is not one God damn person who has the will to stop the insanity!"
Archimedes looked away in silence. He watched the sun set in the cottage window. Astira felt tears form in her eyes. Everything was wrong- everything was corrupt- the wrong side was winning. She despised that to the very core of her soul.
A lithe figure appeared. Through the window Astira saw the Dragonfly.

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