Saturday, January 28, 2017

Schrödinger's Cat

1. Houses
   -Great Northern

"They say ignorance is bliss- they're wrong..."
-Franz Kafka

I. Crescent Lake
Astira asked- "Ozymandias- are you aware- like human being?" She stood before him with pleading eyes.
"Yes- of course I am. I compute, therefore I exist."
Ozymandias smiled. Astira saw a ray of hope crack the darkness. Taryn appeared. His hologram floated in the air.
"Astira- are you ok?"
Astira jumped- as if she saw a ghost.
"Taryn- they will see us. Use ufo text. They will not see this.. bye bye"
Astira turned off her i6 image. Her i6 returned to hiding mode. Flushed with excitement, she felt the tide turn.
Taryn touched his Foundation buckle & Astira disappeared. Her afterimage burned in his brain. He locked the Trader Star & looked around at the crazy town- a small oasis on a wasted planet at the opposite edge of the galaxy. Astira must be somewhere close- but where? And who was she running from? He looked around at some locals & travellers, & then he felt a strange tingling in his brain...

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Saturday, January 21, 2017

First Foundation

1. Last To Fall

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
-Arthur C. Clarke


I. Crescent Lake
The cosmic network*: space, time, atoms, even thought & dreams, live on the network of cosmic connections. Long fibers permeate the light cone- the speed limit of spacetime- & connect to points light years across the galaxy. The gravitic skin of the Trader Star sprouted "long" fibers of hyperspace. Taryn set the spacelike coordinates & the Trader Star jumped. 


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Saturday, January 14, 2017

1 Second

1. Mind Eraser
   -The Black Keys
2. Night Flowers
   -D&B Fiechter

"We all have two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one."

I. The Crescent Lake
Future Infinity: the galaxy changed in a millennium & in one second- both true at once to the rare traveller chasing the starlight. Vivienne planted her cane & took the last step up on the Stairway To The Stars. In ghostly moonlight she read the inscriptions on the sacred door- calligraphy written by her own cherub hand on a day long lost in a cosmic span of fifty thousand years. Deep within her robe, she reached into a secret pocket & pulled out a key of fine black jade. In her mind she could still hear the ancient chimes from the Lotus of the Galaxy....

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Monday Night

1. Cherub Rock
   -Smashing Pumpkins
2. That's When I Knew
   -Alicia Keys

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."

I. Christmas Island
Astira cringed- the Mule's orange dot hovered in the air.
"The Mule is onshore. Look at his dot!"
Astira pointed at the aerial hologram. The Dragon, Jamu & Ozymandias circled her i6 optical display, intently watching the orange dot. It moved erratically, meandering around in the Lost City.
"My tracking bug from Crescent Lake- you see that Mule? That one on our tail!"
Astira grimaced at the Dragon. Ozymandias looked perplexed.
"What to do? Mule take over our little brains.... How to stop this one?"
"Alert the Second Foundation- we will lead the Mule into a trap." said the Dragon matter of factly. The Dragon gazed outward into the void of the Dark Sea.
"If only we had drone...galaxy saved from serfdom to Mule." muttered Astira. She looked at Ozymandias. His head scintillated erratically in the dark night. Suddenly he broke his silent concentration:
"I will save humanity. I am only one."
Everyone stared at Ozymandias. No one said a word. Finally Astira spoke.
"Ozymandias- you are crazy one. You saved our skins- we don't want sacrifice."
"I am not the same as you." said Ozymandias.
"I am different."
He paused. Astira looked at him very hard.
"You think I don't know? You think I not notice you never eat, you never drink, you know everything, you walk around in desert for months- & you have zero body heat, no infrared glow for Astira to see? You think I stupid girl & not notice this one?"
Astira glowered. Ozymandias wanly smiled. His lips remained cool & dry.
"So you know."
"Yes- I know." said Astira triumphantly.
"I follow the three laws of robotics. I will save humanity from the Mule."
Astira stared.
"You will no sacrifice your existence. You are good robot."
Astira stood uncompromising.
"I must sacrifice myself for humanity. I am programmed for this at the level of my firmware."
"Shut up!" said Astira. She moved in to confront Ozymandias.
"You no sacrifice. I order that. You are good robot!"
She stood defiant, her face in tumult.
"I follow three laws." said Ozymandias.
"No you don't!" screamed Astira. She grabbed Ozymandias & shook him violently.
"I will not let you kill yourself! I forbid this!"
Astira firmly embraced Ozymandias. Huge tears rolled down his back.

II. The Venetian World
"My Lady, your snowflake melted to a crescent of water- Valloire & the Crescent Lake. The black diamond- Paris. These key memories unlock our future- the past is the past- what is done is done."
"Indeed Count, but Ivy tells us the future can't be changed. I feel like a computer program."
Princess Lei smiled.
"My Lady, if only you were an infinite loop!"

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Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year Day

1. Atlas

"We all have two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one."
I. Christmas Island
"Is it black diamond?" Jamu asked.
Astira shrugged.
"Dunno- look like it, but no proof positive."
She stood on a rock & reached up to the roof.
"Could be ancient supernova wipe out Atlas world & make black diamond. We find out truth soon enough."
Astira smiled. She never worried about anything. She lived life by her own standard.

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