Monday, December 28, 2015

The Eve Of A New Year

1. Out Go The Lights

"Meet evil with justice; meet good with good."

I. Paris
The Mule is livid at Yogi for his failure to control Astira.

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Eve Of Christmas

1. De Novo Adagio
  -Alicia Keys
2. Welcome To England
  -Tori Amos

"Go to your bosom; Knock there, & ask your heart what it doth know." -Shakespeare


I. Paris (December 6)
"Have you heard anything?"
The Count listened intently for an answer. He eyed his prey through the narrow slits of a stone castle. From his perch in darkness, he sought only the light of truth.
"Yes- but there is a price."
"Beyond your life?"
"Count- that was years ago."
"Years owed to me." said the Count.
The man shifted uneasily. His cold face crawled from out of the black shadow.
"Count, your diamond is in England."
In the dim light, the Count could just see the violent trace of a fresh scar. Someone left their mark on Yogi's cheek.

II. London Town (Christmas Eve)
Fresh snow fell from Heaven's downy sky. The Count stepped up & gently knocked on the pale green door. Pop goes the weasel- it opened like a music box!
He escorted the Princess across winter's threshold- a beautiful white frame of snow. Inside, all the candles in a Medieval sky burned bright in golden splendor. Aromatic spices hung heavy in the air. For one divine moment, the Count & Princess forgot half of their earthly cares; they felt their unguarded spirits rise in warm & buoyant Christmas cheer.
"Welcome to England." said the Bard.

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Saturday, December 5, 2015

1. Strawberry Fields Forever
  - Beatles

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become."

I. Montmartre
Everything fast moved slow. Everything slow moved fast. Astira . ...

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Time Traveller (Part II)

Future Infinity
1. Sleep
  -Night Flowers

"Time flows away like the water in the river."



I. The Dark Island
"How so?" asked Joshua.
Vivienne paused. She thought for a long moment.
"Have you heard of the people of Future Infinity?"
"What do you mean by people of Future Infinity?" asked Joshua. 
He noticed a faraway look in Vivienne's eyes.
"They are people who travel in ships close to the speed of light. They stay inside their light cone & avoid the hyperspace network. Time slows down for these people. They might age 1 year while the galaxy ages a millennium. There is no limit to how far they can travel into the future. But Nature pens one tragic thorn on their rose."
"Which is?" Joshua felt his curiosity rising.
"They can never go back in time & change history. They leave behind their old worlds & all the people they knew. In the future they can read about the lives of people they once knew. They can read all about what happened in galactic history. All of that occurred while they crawled around the galaxy on twinkles of starlight. But they can never go back. Like everyone, there is only One Direction for time. Time is a bridge only to the future."
"Are you a time traveller?" Joshua stared keenly at Vivienne. 
"Yes." said Vivienne.
"When were you born?" Joshua sat up erect on the edge of Vivienne's ancient futon.
"About 50,000 years ago. My royal parents sought escape from the first emperor of the Galactic Empire. They found sanctuary in Future Infinity."
Joshua froze in rapture. Fascinated, he could only stare in wonder at Vivienne.
"Who are you- really?" he finally asked. He realized Vivienne was a breakthrough discovery for the Second Foundation.
"I've been many people over the recent millennium. Now you know me as Princess Leizu."

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Time Traveler (Part I)

1. Dorian
  -Smashing Pumpkins

"Time flows away like the water in the river."


I. The Dark Island
Leizu gently unwrapped her soft warm embrace, then slipped away like a tropical dream on a winter morning. Slowly, Joshua awakened, watching the jade crystal move hypnotically before his eyes, its perfect blackness deeper than night.
Vivienne smiled imperceptibly. Her fine grey hair formed a delicate lace of frost. She waited for Joshua to return from the crystal, then she abruptly pulled it away.  Carefully, she set her powerful cane to her side. Her regal gown wrapped her slender but ample figure in a Medieval river of dark stars. 
"Do you know Leizu?" asked Joshua.
Vivienne sighed.
"Yes, I know Leizu personally."
"But- in galactic history, Leizu was the wife of the Yellow Emperor. Leizu died in a revolt against the Empire at a very young age. This was over 1000 years ago. It's written in Encyclopedia Galactica. How could you know Leizu personally?"
Vivienne tilted her head & gazed thoughtfully at Joshua.
"My dear child of the Second Foundation, you too know Leizu personally- but you don't realize it. There is much more to galactic history than your fancy diagrams of possibilities- possibilities that never actually occur! In our universe, all of the future reveals itself to the humble light from a twinkling star."

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Galaxy Of Lost Stars

The Mule, Yogi & Astira
1. They Want My Soul

"Let us cultivate our garden."

-Voltaire ⚜


I. Montmartre
"Do you think I was born last night?"
Yogi repeated.
"No." said Astira.
"I think you born in hell."
Astira cracked a little smile. It would take one second to take out the suit on her left. But that left the suit on her right- & Yogi too. Not enough time. Think. Think.
Yogi smirked. Astira glanced at the suit on her right. He too far. Not good. She looked backed at Yogi. Then she froze stiff.
Way across the room the Mule walked in her direction. His paranormal eyes glowed like beacons. The room swirled around her. She felt her emotions swing wildly out of control. She felt unbounded exhilaration, then crippling fear & then she reeled backward and fell senseless on the floor. Her despair deepened into an infinite starless night.
"Astira, when danger looms, you must become one with the danger. How can you drown in despair when you become the water? Your thoughts are the fountain of life in a garden of possibility."
She closed her eyes to the Mule & became one with her soul. The Dragon fire bloomed in the starless night.

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Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Nexus

1. Monuments
   -Smashing Pumpkins
2. Gotta Get Away
   -The Offspring

"All warfare is based on deception."

-Sun Tzu


I. Montmartre
Astira, Yogi & the Mule

"Yogi- you cheer up. Forget that Prague. That story old one.  Astira have big new plan."
Yogi's mask melted- just a bit. But then he asked
"Do you think I was born yesterday?"
He stared unamused.

Astira paused. She looked ruffled- just a bit. Acting edgy, she shifted self consciously in her chair. With a prim left hand she reached down to pull on her skirt. At the same time, her magicians right hand discretely grazed her laser pencil- unlocked & loaded. She smiled- demurely.
-To be continued.

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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Time Flies

2nd Foundation & Mule
1. The Shakedown
-Yellow Ostrich

"The trouble is you think you have time."



I. Paris
For a precious moment Princess Lei basked in the warm rays of the rising sun. Bosco hovered above her, gazing intently with paranormal eyes. And then the Paris sun reversed direction in the sky. She felt the cool autumn mist of her youth return. The jade leaves of summer now scintillated prismatically in the early morning mist. She looked high above in the sky. Stallions of the Empires gathered in confusion on the high mountain ledge. She slipped quietly into the jade forest. She left no electronic footprint- apart from the dissipating infrared heat of a forest animal. She had only 24 hours- somewhere the Buddha was laughing.
The Count poured a small rivulet of cream into his black coffee. From his high balcony he watched the sun slowly rise above the Paris rooftops. He pursed his lips. He had 24 hours to solve the mystery of the Yin diamond- that was his sacred promise to Princess Lei.

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Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Last Sunset

Foundation & Mule
1. Run2me
-Smashing Pumpkins

"Build your opponet a golden bridge to retreat across."

-Sun Tzu


I. Paris
The morning sun spread like a golden rose. Songs of birds flew across the 7 mountains of heaven. Princess Lei anxiously felt her time flow like water- the twined bamboo rope bridge over the Shaoshi mountain pass hung in two useless sections, one near, one far, dangling & twisting in the light morning wind. No escape.
She turned around. Far below, riding up the mountain at breakneck pace, she spied the horsemen of the Emperor's elite guard, . No choice. She carried the message of revolution.
She walked to the ledge. She gazed down at the narrow ribbon of water cutting a silver path through the side of the mountain. She held back her fear & listened to the song of the birds. This was their last sunrise. She held her breath & dove into the high cushion of air & into it's cascade of water...
She opened her eyes. The frost of winter kissed the jade leaves of summer. Sanctuary was hers!
Bosco leaned over.
"My Lady, are you alright?"
He looked concerned.
She looked around to get her bearings. The morning mist lifted with the Parisian sun running into the sky. She felt half awake.

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Saturday, October 3, 2015

Back To The Life

1. Outlier -Spoon

"If you make a mistake & do not correct it, this is called a mistake."

I. Paris
Astira grabbed a high density photo shot of the computer display. The Mule apparently had an interest in the history of the Dark Island. Vivienne lived on the Dark Island, & she had some sort of special connection to the Mule. Nobody in the Second Foundation knew anything about the origin of the Mule- except maybe Joshua- right now on the Dark Island investigating Vivienne.
Astira looked at her hyperspace text to Joshua. "Message received but not opened" indicated her i6. Astira frowned. Not good, but maybe he was asleep. Or maybe he was dead....
Astira peered cautiously through the cracked door. The puppets danced around but after 5 minutes the coast cleared. She reentered the dimly lit larder & slipped out unnoticed into the dark inebriated crowd.
"Astira. Well, well, my precious one."
Astira recognized the voice. Ice water flowed through her veins.
She could just make out his face in the dim bar light.
"Business or pleasure?"
She asked perfunctorily. Yogi stepped much closer, his breath in her face.
"Is there any difference?"
He then smiled with assurance. He took Astira's arm & led her to a corner table. Out of the corner of her eye Astira noticed two well armed men in high fashion suits follow just behind. Yogi ignored them & held out a chair for Astira. She sat down & Yogi ordered drinks with the snap of a finger. He then looked seriously at Astira.
"Astira. You left our little club in Prague without saying goodbye. That wasn't very nice."
And Yogi made a sad clown face.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Long Night

The Dark Island
1. Dead & Gone
  - The Black Keys

"Can that which is hard to do be lightly spoken?"
-Confucius Book XII


I. The Dark Island
Joshua ran his fingers over the smooth dark jade. The handle of the black key melted around his fingertips- smooth, warm, almost fluid to the touch. Leizu slowly closed her crescent eyes, holding Joshua close to her bosom. Her supple hands roamed over his backside, pulling him even closer. Joshua looked up & Leizu responded, opening her dreaming eyes. They kissed- & for a moment there was no time.
Vivienne noticed the glow. Joshua's i6 just received an incoming message. She quickly slipped one hand from his back & deftly grasped his i6. She slung it viciously across the room. Joshua blinked & groggily awakened, but Vivienne held the black jade handle of her cane up to his eyes. She waved it slowly & hypnotically.
"Cherub- look into the black crystal. It's all you can see. The whole universe is there for you & I to explore."
And Vivienne cackled in ancient laughter rattling through dank castle halls...

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Saturday, September 12, 2015



1. "Paradise" 

"It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere."

I. Paris
"Summer breezes- warm traces linger in mind.  Yet fresh in time, thou art the breath of autumn's being!"
The Count extended his hand to Princess Lei. She stood paralyzed, unsure of the situation.
"Count, the Yin diamond. It's gone. Stolen in the night." She stood before him, a wilting look on her face.
"What!" said the Count, disbelieving his own eyes & ears. He gazed anxiously upon her bosom. It was true, her black diamond, the centerpiece of ancient dynasties & the new shining Foundation, the Yin to the Yang, lay missing. His senses reeled. He gathered his thoughts & then spoke softly- but in a determined voice.
"My Lady, Paris is thick with thieves. I know them all. Give me a day or two. I will get to the bottom of this- I promise."
The Count turned away in a whirlwind.
"Count!" exclaimed the Princess.
"I leave tomorrow morning to begin a new life."
The Count turned back around. He stood puzzled as though stymied by an ancient riddle from the Sphinx.
" A new life? What do you mean?"
"Count. Something wonderful has happened. The First Citizen of the Union Of Worlds has invited me stay & live on Kalgan- it is a paradise of the galaxy."
The Count stared at Princess Lei as if she were an apparition.
"My Lady, the First Citizen is a dictator. You are a freedom fighter. I don't understand."
He looked at her face & it was unrecognizable- an inscrutable Picasso.
"But he is a benevolent dictator, he loves all of his people, & they love him."
Princess Lei smiled with a supreme & manic air of confidence. But the Count felt the warm traces of lost tears. Tears on a younger & braver girl hiding behind a mask of protest in the shadows of occupation.
The iron door locked. Through the iron barred window Edmond could see the blue sky & hear the distant surf.

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Tangles Of Disaster

The Mule At Montmartre
1. Nightlight
   -Silversun Pickups

"To know your enemy, you must become your enemy."
-Sun Tzu

I. Paris
Astira entered the heart of darkness. Behind the bar she could see Bosco standing in a dimly lit seedy backroom. He chatted with a few garish puppets, then disappeared. Astira worked her way through the crowd. She crept closer to the dim light.  She stood in the shadow, a wallflower, watching the puppets.
Fifteen long minutes passed. The puppets dispersed. Astira moved quickly, seizing the opportunity. She darted into the backroom & noticed a small side door left ajar. She drew her laser pistol & peered inside. She saw a small desk with a computer screen. Nobody was in the room. She entered.
Astira glanced at the computer screen. It glowed eerily. But then she noticed. She stopped in her tracks, a bit stunned. A small photo image embedded in an ancient manuscript written in Mandarin characters  stood out from a deep forest background. The photo caption read "Princess Leizu & color revolutionary arrested by security forces of the Yellow Emperor." The picture showed Princess Leizu & an unidentified conspirator. Astira stared at the picture. It was unbelievable. Impossible. But there was no doubt, it was a picture of Joshua. But a picture from one millennium in the past.
Astira's mind raced. Joshua was now on the Dark Island seeking any information about the origin of the Mule from Vivienne. She had a mysterious link to the Mule.
Astira pulled out her i6.
From: Astira
To: Joshua
You are in danger. Get the hell off that island.

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Mule In The Dark

1. Travel Should Take You Places
   -The Kickdrums

"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting."


I. Paris
10:54PM: Bosco emerged from the Count's flat. He moved rapidly, his spindly shadow flitting to & fro beneath the street lamps, always seeking the random small dark islands along his ragged path. Astira felt oneness with her surroundings. She became the darkness- & she watched the Mule hide in her shadows, unaware of her calm presence. No ripple of her emotion would he detect- she would remain a calm presence within the void.
"Astira- when there is danger, you must become one with your surroundings. Then you become the danger- & you cannot hurt yourself. There is only one bloom on one branch in the sky. Hold that bloom, for you are the seed & it is your future." And the Dragon smiled by the fountain of morning light by the quiet circle of water.
Bosco entered the late night bar. Astira watched from across the street. After ten minutes she tossed her hair back & put on some lipstick. She walked across the street.

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

L'Alpe d'Huez

Lock & Key
1. Gold On The Ceiling
   -Black Keys
2. Traveling At The Speed Of Light

"The trouble is you think you have time."

-Laughing Buddha


I. Paris
"Winter mountains melt away in the breeze of summer. One half of the new year spent!"
The Count extended his hand to Princess Lei. She smiled imperceptibly, her simple gown a closed flower of white jasmine. Her black diamond sparkled paradoxically.
"Count- the weight of history bears upon us all. One evening is but one twinkle of a star. But it is the moment we live for!"
She smiled warmly & received his hand. Then the Count & Princess retreated to his balcony. Twilight deepened in azure from horizon to zenith. One by one the stars emerged.
Later that evening, after refreshed from dinner & wine, the Princess turned to the Count.
"Count." She paused, as if thinking deeply.
"The Lady Vivienne told me an extraordinary tale. It's too extraordinary to believe- yet I think I believe it."
She looked at the Count leaning against the rails of the balcony, his face hidden in a mask of shadow.
"My Lady, the extraordinary is but the ordinary to the heavens above! Remember the Pearl Of Dreams..."

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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dark Supernova

Dark Supernova 
1. Evening Star -Cannons

"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a mind without moon or star."



I. Dark Island
The heavy spaceship hovered, then laboriously touched down on the bright landing pad. Joshua could see a small royal entourage emerge from wide doors, greeted by the courtesans of the Yellow Emperor.
"Leizu, what brings the Galactic Empire to the Far East of the galaxy?"
Leizu's smile faded.
"We have something they covet."
"What is that?" asked Joshua.
"Vast supplies of minerals & natural resources?"
"Partly. But there is something more. Something not known to the media of the galaxy. Something only known to the inner chambers of the Galactic Emperor."
Joshua flinched in surprise. The galactic psychohistory of the millennia prior to the secret birth of the Foundation was well mapped out- by no less than Seldon himself. What was she talking about?
"What is it?"
He stared skeptically at Leizu in the soft ambient light, looking for an answer in her face- but she averted her eyes.
"It is the black key." she said.
Joshua paused. She held the shiny black key in her delicate fingers. He reached out & held her arms, then looked directly into her eyes.
"What is it? What is so special about the key?" he asked.
She said-

"The key is made of black jade. Let's just say the key unlocks the secret to fame & fortune & love. Thousands & thousands of years ago that ancient secret was lost. The key was then born to hold the secret. This is the way of life & death in the cosmos. No one can change that."

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Far Star

NGC 6949 "Fireworks Galaxy"
1. All You Wanted
   -Michelle Branch
2. Don't Look Back


I. Terminus-
"The Foundation isn't what it used to be."
Toran paused. He took a drink from his Slingshot.
"But 3 centuries is a pretty good run I guess. After so long the corrupt bureaucrats & the well connected insiders take over- they ride the coattails of all the glorious historical momentum, they ride the momo right into the ground. Truth be told, the Trader Worlds do the heavy lifting these days."
Beta sighed. She had to admit there was a lot of truth in what the Trader said. Still...
"The Foundation is destined to succeed. It's all part of psychohistory, the Seldon plan."
She looked at the Trader. He lacked intellectual depth. How could you argue with psychohistory- whatever it was exactly. Nobody at the university could tell you how it worked. But it had worked so far.
"Look- nobody can predict the future. Too many unknowns in the universe, too many weird things can happen. It's just common sense."
Toran smiled, somewhat amused at the girl.  She wore tight pants & a white blouse. A bright shiny silver pendant hung around her neck. Very nice. She was good looking- that was for sure.
Beta looked away. Twilight deepened. The Diamonds materialized on the horizon.

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Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Future Path

The Future Path
1. She Said, She Said
- The Black Keys

"Study the Past if you would define the Future."

- Confucius


I. The Dark Island
"Joshua- you do not belong here."
Leizu pursed her lips in the soft ambient light. Joshua stiffened.
"A man is free to go where he chooses. Why do I not belong here?"
"Because no one is free but the Yellow Emperor. Everyone must bend to his will."
"Or what?" asked Joshua.
Leizu sighed.
"You are talking nonsense, the Emperor is all powerful. What can you do?"
"I can do a lot. I know how history works- & I can shape the path of the future."
Leizu rolled her eyes. She then looked right at Joshua.
"Do you know who I am?"
Joshua's eyes roamed the dark outline of Leizu's hourglass figure. She held her black key between delicate fingers.
"No I don't. But I know how history works. And that counts for a lot."
Leizu smiled.
"You know nothing about history until you've lived it. Trust me. I know."

II. Paris
"Count, how you meet Aristarchus?" asked Astira.
The Count turned away from the orange paint of the setting sun framed in baroque.
"We first met on the island of Samos." said the Count.
"I was a different person then. Suffice it to say, I washed up on the shore in an acutely vulnerable state."
Astira furrowed her brow.
"But Count, why Aristarchus never mention you?"
The Count paused, setting down his glass of Sunday wine.
"Because I am a Möbius strip- I live two different lives, I show the world two different faces. You see the Count, but Aristarchus sees my other side."
Astira looked puzzled at the Count, not really satisfied with the answer.
Bosco appeared from nowhere.
"Count, the Princess has arrived."
Painted stars waved in baroque.

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Face On The Möbius Strip

Louvre & Pyramid
1. Colours To Life

"The man of wisdom is never of two minds.."



I. The Dark Island
One ephemeral minute- Joshua stood at the very edge of a cliff one millennium deep. But time & space are relative things; a trickle of starlight travels the whole galaxy at one moment of eternal time- never changing, never stopping. He stared at Leizu. She stood beneath the shadow of the moon at the small door of an apparent hidden passage, now open. Her intense dreaming eyes implored him to follow. Did he really have any choice? He bolted at once into the dim passage, & she at once locked the hidden door behind him. He stood next to her in the dark. Diffuse starlight trickled from her gown as her bosom swelled up & down in rhythm with her breathing. Then he noticed her fine thin necklace- & a small black key.

II. Paris

The Count knew the many faces of death. He knew that final moment of truth in a duel of honor.  Astira raised her pistol but an acrobatic hand reached from nowhere. Astira felt the wiry grip. She felt the infinite strength.
"Astira, you are safe here. I am not the Mule you fear."
The Count breathed a sigh of relief. His arms stretched wide & high to the heavens in a cross of peace. He lowered his arms. He moved closer.
"Please, read my thoughts. They are the extraordinary novel of an ordinary man."
The Count peered into Astira's wildly excited eyes. She calmed. She remembered the oneness of the Dragon. She stood on the bridge of a Japanese garden. She looked upon a Princess of the Far East. She reached to hold her hand, but felt only the small avian body of a vibrant hummingbird. Astria returned to the Pyramid.
The Count appeared disoriented, but then recovered his composure.
"So- now you see Astira. I am not the Mule."
Astira felt relieved. The Count turned to the man of mystery.
"Good man Bosco- you were magnificent! Now please release the lady. It's all just a misunderstanding."

Astira turned and looked at the gaunt spindly figure holding her hand in an iron grip. His lips twisted into a strange smile.

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Friday, May 1, 2015

Wake Up To The Dream

The Dark Island
1. Soil To The Sun
-Cage The Elephant


I. The Dark Island
Joshua felt dizzy. Her voice seemed familiar, yet different somehow. Her dreaming eyes drew him in closer & closer.
"I am Joshua. I am pleased to meet you."
He nodded & then looked around. A vast full moon covered one third of the night sky. At its zenith, young deep blue stars burned in a magnificent cluster. Beyond the marble edge of the palace, a vast sea of glittering waves stretched to the horizon, sparkling like effervescent diamonds.
"Joshua, you are in danger here. You cannot stay."
Leizu rose, her translucent gown shimmering in sliding waves.
"Follow me now. There is no time for delay."
Joshua stared at Leizu. Her gown bore the imprimatur of the Emperor Gongsun. He stood stunned, unable to move. One millennium was a very long time...

II. Paris

Morning sun burned through the mist.
"I think your mentor would be proud." 
said the Count, rising, his dark wings falling from view.
"Mentor? Who you think is mentor?" asked Astira, always skeptical of idle chats.
"That would be Aristarchus." said the Count matter of factly. He looked at her with a curious air.
Astira blinked at the Count in surprise.
"How you know my secret mentor? You a mind reader?"
She started to crack a smile- but then she realized. Her pyramid of thoughts fractured into a kaleidoscope of fear. In a blinding flash she reached for her laser pistol. Time slowed to a deadly crawl....

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Friday, April 17, 2015

Dark Star

The Dark Island
1. One & All
-Smashing Pumpkins

"The trouble is, you think you have Time."



I. The Dark Island
Joshua winced.
"Who are you? Or maybe I should say, what are you?"
He stared at the old woman.
Vivienne smiled weakly.
"You are but a cherub. I know the history of the galaxy- personally. You could never understand. Those little diagrams in your brain are just the outline of events. Look into the black jade- tell me what you see, tell me what you feel, don't tell me what you understand..."

Joshua fell into the darkness. He felt the warm air wrap around him like a pair of dark wings. Deeper & deeper, ever more slowly he fell. He saw the sun slowly fade & then die in a flash of golden light. Then darkness.
He opened his eyes. She sat there, a splendid rose open beneath the burning stars.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"I am Leizu."
Yin & Yang- he felt warm as the yellow sun rising beneath the dark cool splendor of night.

II. Paris
Astira ran to the Pyramid. Sunday morning light filtered into the starry sky. She stopped, leaned over, put her hands on her knees for support, & breathed deeply in & out. She flipped off her music & recovered gradually- a long half minute passed by. Then, finally, she stood up straight, invigorated, triumphantly placing her hands on her warm supple hips, still breathing in & out, but more slowly now.
"Bravo!" said the Count, gently offering his applause. He stood in front of the Pyramid, the morning light liberating his body from the ancient shadows of night.
"Count! You are early bird!" Exclaimed Astira, stunned by their chance encounter by the Louvre.
"Young lady, the thieves of Paris never sleep. And neither do I."
And the Count gently took her hand and curtly bowed, his fashionable cloak closing around him like a pair of dark wings.

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