Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Last Sunset

Foundation & Mule
1. Run2me
-Smashing Pumpkins

"Build your opponet a golden bridge to retreat across."

-Sun Tzu


I. Paris
The morning sun spread like a golden rose. Songs of birds flew across the 7 mountains of heaven. Princess Lei anxiously felt her time flow like water- the twined bamboo rope bridge over the Shaoshi mountain pass hung in two useless sections, one near, one far, dangling & twisting in the light morning wind. No escape.
She turned around. Far below, riding up the mountain at breakneck pace, she spied the horsemen of the Emperor's elite guard, . No choice. She carried the message of revolution.
She walked to the ledge. She gazed down at the narrow ribbon of water cutting a silver path through the side of the mountain. She held back her fear & listened to the song of the birds. This was their last sunrise. She held her breath & dove into the high cushion of air & into it's cascade of water...
She opened her eyes. The frost of winter kissed the jade leaves of summer. Sanctuary was hers!
Bosco leaned over.
"My Lady, are you alright?"
He looked concerned.
She looked around to get her bearings. The morning mist lifted with the Parisian sun running into the sky. She felt half awake.

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