Saturday, October 3, 2015

Back To The Life

1. Outlier -Spoon

"If you make a mistake & do not correct it, this is called a mistake."

I. Paris
Astira grabbed a high density photo shot of the computer display. The Mule apparently had an interest in the history of the Dark Island. Vivienne lived on the Dark Island, & she had some sort of special connection to the Mule. Nobody in the Second Foundation knew anything about the origin of the Mule- except maybe Joshua- right now on the Dark Island investigating Vivienne.
Astira looked at her hyperspace text to Joshua. "Message received but not opened" indicated her i6. Astira frowned. Not good, but maybe he was asleep. Or maybe he was dead....
Astira peered cautiously through the cracked door. The puppets danced around but after 5 minutes the coast cleared. She reentered the dimly lit larder & slipped out unnoticed into the dark inebriated crowd.
"Astira. Well, well, my precious one."
Astira recognized the voice. Ice water flowed through her veins.
She could just make out his face in the dim bar light.
"Business or pleasure?"
She asked perfunctorily. Yogi stepped much closer, his breath in her face.
"Is there any difference?"
He then smiled with assurance. He took Astira's arm & led her to a corner table. Out of the corner of her eye Astira noticed two well armed men in high fashion suits follow just behind. Yogi ignored them & held out a chair for Astira. She sat down & Yogi ordered drinks with the snap of a finger. He then looked seriously at Astira.
"Astira. You left our little club in Prague without saying goodbye. That wasn't very nice."
And Yogi made a sad clown face.

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