Saturday, September 12, 2015



1. "Paradise" 

"It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere."

I. Paris
"Summer breezes- warm traces linger in mind.  Yet fresh in time, thou art the breath of autumn's being!"
The Count extended his hand to Princess Lei. She stood paralyzed, unsure of the situation.
"Count, the Yin diamond. It's gone. Stolen in the night." She stood before him, a wilting look on her face.
"What!" said the Count, disbelieving his own eyes & ears. He gazed anxiously upon her bosom. It was true, her black diamond, the centerpiece of ancient dynasties & the new shining Foundation, the Yin to the Yang, lay missing. His senses reeled. He gathered his thoughts & then spoke softly- but in a determined voice.
"My Lady, Paris is thick with thieves. I know them all. Give me a day or two. I will get to the bottom of this- I promise."
The Count turned away in a whirlwind.
"Count!" exclaimed the Princess.
"I leave tomorrow morning to begin a new life."
The Count turned back around. He stood puzzled as though stymied by an ancient riddle from the Sphinx.
" A new life? What do you mean?"
"Count. Something wonderful has happened. The First Citizen of the Union Of Worlds has invited me stay & live on Kalgan- it is a paradise of the galaxy."
The Count stared at Princess Lei as if she were an apparition.
"My Lady, the First Citizen is a dictator. You are a freedom fighter. I don't understand."
He looked at her face & it was unrecognizable- an inscrutable Picasso.
"But he is a benevolent dictator, he loves all of his people, & they love him."
Princess Lei smiled with a supreme & manic air of confidence. But the Count felt the warm traces of lost tears. Tears on a younger & braver girl hiding behind a mask of protest in the shadows of occupation.
The iron door locked. Through the iron barred window Edmond could see the blue sky & hear the distant surf.

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