Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Time Traveller (Part II)

Future Infinity
1. Sleep
  -Night Flowers

"Time flows away like the water in the river."



I. The Dark Island
"How so?" asked Joshua.
Vivienne paused. She thought for a long moment.
"Have you heard of the people of Future Infinity?"
"What do you mean by people of Future Infinity?" asked Joshua. 
He noticed a faraway look in Vivienne's eyes.
"They are people who travel in ships close to the speed of light. They stay inside their light cone & avoid the hyperspace network. Time slows down for these people. They might age 1 year while the galaxy ages a millennium. There is no limit to how far they can travel into the future. But Nature pens one tragic thorn on their rose."
"Which is?" Joshua felt his curiosity rising.
"They can never go back in time & change history. They leave behind their old worlds & all the people they knew. In the future they can read about the lives of people they once knew. They can read all about what happened in galactic history. All of that occurred while they crawled around the galaxy on twinkles of starlight. But they can never go back. Like everyone, there is only One Direction for time. Time is a bridge only to the future."
"Are you a time traveller?" Joshua stared keenly at Vivienne. 
"Yes." said Vivienne.
"When were you born?" Joshua sat up erect on the edge of Vivienne's ancient futon.
"About 50,000 years ago. My royal parents sought escape from the first emperor of the Galactic Empire. They found sanctuary in Future Infinity."
Joshua froze in rapture. Fascinated, he could only stare in wonder at Vivienne.
"Who are you- really?" he finally asked. He realized Vivienne was a breakthrough discovery for the Second Foundation.
"I've been many people over the recent millennium. Now you know me as Princess Leizu."

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