Saturday, November 26, 2016

Red Footsteps

1. Not Turning Off

"I never see what has been done. I only see what remains to be done."

I. The Seaport
Ozymandias led the hikers into town. Astira noticed they left behind a trail of vapor red footsteps- except for Ozymandias. He remained a dark shadow- except for intermittent glints of light from his brain. He is a strange one she thought.
"We are in the seaport." said Ozymandias. A tiny glint flashed between his eyes.
Astira looked around. She could see ancient ruins poke above the ground. Their doors opened halfway above ground, just enough to see inside, but not enough to walk through. She would have to crawl & dig to explore, like an archeologist. But time pressed- no time to explore- just time enough to survive, warn what remained of the Second Foundation & defeat the Mule- the mind bending time traveller to Future Infinity.
"We're being followed." said the Dragon.
Astira went ice cold- frozen in the dark. Ozymandias lit up in a flash- a brief network of light.
"The Clan of the Tiger is on our trail." said the Dragon.
"It is now time to be one."

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