Saturday, September 15, 2012

Flames Of History


1. Burn It Down- Linkin Park
2. Tinfoil- Linkin Park

"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."- Voltaire

Aristarchus peered down through the crack in the floor at the man named Michael. He stood proximate to Princess Lei and when he turned briefly Aristarchus got a good look at his face. Aristarchus felt a shock of recognition.
"Of course," he realized, looking up from the floor into an aerial  shaft of moonlit dust, "it now makes perfect sense. It is the infamous underground figure Michael Sauveur- or as he is known in Londontown, Sir Michael the Savage." 
He knew the firebrand Sauveur was banned from Londontown and could be arrested in Paris. A politically active black marketeer like Sauveur would support the cause of Princess Lei's revolt from the Empire. Aristarchus knew well his fractal probability trees of psychohistory. The beautiful Princess Lei would likely bloom in the role of a key branching variable on the Silk Path- and thus for the entire galaxy including the Foundation. 
The man waved and smiled at Astira. She sat down at the small outdoor table and said hello, slipping her shiny i5 into her pocket.
"You know, I've heard so much about you. It's so good to meet you in person!" he said, looking at her with a calculating smile.
"Oh yea, live at 5, that's me!" said Astira, and she made a little bit of a cartoon play face.
"Let me introduce myself- my name is Max Iglinsky." and the man paused.
The world stopped. Astira began to cry but she felt shock instead. Her stomach twisted in fear and then she felt a hatred twist inside her- she stared at the man. Then the Dragon spoke to her and led her to become one with the grasses, to become one with the river and to become one with the sky. She led herself to heightened awareness beyond the blinding chaos of her emotion- she saw both danger and opportunity. She knew her beloved Max from the days of Telegraph Pass in the high mountains. This man was not Max Iglinsky.

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