Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Infinite Black Hole

1. Blank
   -Smashing Pumpkins

"Ignorance is a night of the mind, but a night without moon or star."

I. The Dark Sea
Astira turned off silent mode. She linked i6 to her laser pen. One quick touch & its laser beam wrote a line across the distant shore. In a blink, the shore lit up in a deadly cone of light- an orange fireball swan burst out from their hideaway & floated to the dome of the cavern. Then nothing- the shore blacked out.
"OK. Blank. Swan song. Start over." 
Astira stood up & looked back at the Dragon, Jamu & Ozymandias sitting in the middle of the boat. Beyond them she could see the small island several miles out to sea. 

II. The Venetian World
Thor cracked the night in bolts of light. Edmond felt the roots of terra firma in the sea. The joy of panic seized his brain & he crawled senseless to the shore...
"Awaken!" said Ivy.
She smiled demurely. The Count came to his senses slowly. He drank the white potion offered from Ivy's cup. The soft white gloves of the Princess consoled his shuddering frame.
"Are you ok?" she asked.
"Yes my Lady. My dark prison of Christmas Past fades like a phantom in the night."
Soon regained in strength & intellect, the Count nodded to the Princess & turned his eyes upon Ivy. 
Her long blonde hair lay mysteriously woven around her bosom. Her floral eyes sought entry into the barred garden of his soul.
"Ivy, the black diamond of Yin- what do you see?" asked the Count.
With a quick flick, Ivy brushed back her golden hair.
"Count, Princess, look into the crystal ball. What do you see?"
The Count & Princess leaned over the table. Ivy's supple hands caressed the crystal ball. Slowly but surely the Christmas ball bloomed in a silent melody of falling snow. The Count & the Princess held hands tightly- both faces blank & dreaming. 

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