Sunday, September 4, 2011

Deja Vu

1. Got Nuffin- Spoon

"Only the wisest & stupidest of men never change"
- Confucius


Deja vu- the same dream. And the Count remembered the words of Athena from that distant morning on Samos- "You have nothing now, but your nothing is better than something when that something is but a pernicious chain of shadows in a Platonic world." Indeed, & the Count arose, casting aside the shadowy chains of the night.

Deja vu- and so each day became bread for the soul - & carried the night- dark shadows, but for a finger of faithful light from the stars….


Strange distant place- read emotions real time- psychohistory minutes time scale- vu deja miss change dragons- Astira now change plan real time seconds time scale

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