Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bread & Circus

1. My Mathematical Mind- Spoon
2. Apples & Oranjes- Smashing Pumpkins

"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."
- Confucius


The FaceTime image of Rhondo Callerizii appeared.

"Well, well such a surprise. How many years has it been Count?" said Rhondo, his face resolving into a suspicious curiosity.

"Not so many for one such as myself." said the Count.

"But Rhondo, let's get down to business. I wish to book passage to the Italian System- on your fastest ship, the Skylark."

"How many in your party & what kind of cargo- is it legal or will we have to dodge the authorities?" asked Rhondo matter of factly.

"Only three other passengers" said the Count "no cargo to speak of."

"Are these hot passengers or are they legal?" inquired Rhondo, matter of factly.

"I prefer that we travel discreetly." said the Count.

"Who are these passengers?" asked Rhondo.

"Just between you & me- one is a Turkish princess in exile, one is a Swiss Baron who is starting a new life on the Silk Path & the other is a Lady from the Foundation."

"From the Foundation?" said Rhondo, looking concerned.

"I don't like it that she is from the Foundation-

they are powerful & hated by some- she could cause trouble." he said, looking at the Count.

"I will introduce you to her, she is very beautiful." said the Count. "You worry too much Rhondo."

"Right, that's why I am still alive & in business." said Rhondo, & he flipped off his screen.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Silk Path- 80,000 Lightyears Distant ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Suddenly the dragonfly opened her invisible wings & struck down the guard- he crumpled to the floor & she resumed her serene pose. Astira stared in wonder at Miss Change & then she saw it- a sandan black belt wrapped around the diminutive waist of the dragonfly.......

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