Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Door To The Lost City

Honey Moon & Lotus
1. Thru The Eyes Of Ruby
  - Smashing Pumpkins


I. Gobi Desert
A thunderclap rocked Astira. She turned around in horror. On the crest of the dune stood the Dragon locked in a deadly cage of laser beams streaking the smoky night. Exploded remnants of the Clan ship littered the sky in lazy arcs. The Dragon whirled & danced in a paroxysm of death. Then he vanished in the rolling smoke.
"Jamu- jump in the hole. I cover the Dragon!" screamed Astira.
She headed up the dune. Her eyes filled with desperate tears in the acrid smoke. The Dragon appeared- his trailing robe a ribbon of fire. Astira saw the Clan warrior & fired her laser pistol. The warrior jerked spasmodically & fell backward in the sand. Astira grabbed the Dragon's robe & sliced off the fire with her laser pistlol.
"I don't like way you dress- let's get hell out of here!" she hissed with tears of relief. 
"Ladies first." said the Dragon with a wink.
"I follow the moonlight of Zen in the dark of night."
And then they disappeared in the quicksand of reality.
Jamu provided the light in the hole. Ozymandias closed the hatch & locked it with a key. He turned to the trio. This is a tunnel. We walk for one mile to a hidden door."
"Where goes this door?" asked Astira.
"The door opens the past of 50,000 years & the lotus of the galaxy buried in the sands of Gobi"

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