Friday, October 7, 2016

Honeymoon Lament

1. Rocket
  - Smashing 

"The rule is- jam tomorrow & jam yesterday, but never jam today. "
-Lewis Carroll

I. Gobi Desert
 Regular as a doomsdsy clock, 8 days & 8 nights passed. Ozymandias rose at sunset & followed the stars. Astira, Jamu & the Dragon trailed closely behind.
"Ozymandias- how close?" asked Astira. No landmarks broke the monotony of dunes.
"We are close. The astrology of the sky tells me so."
Astira laughed under her breath. But neither her or the Dragon had a better idea.
Suddenly Jamu appeared.
"There's a ship to the north. Take cover."
 Astira felt a chill run up her spine. She cocked her laser pistol & spread out on the the south side of a dune. On the horizon she could see flickering lights. She aimed her laser pistol at the ufo, tracking its rapid approach. There was no place to run & no place to hide.
"Quick- follow me. I found the entrance."
Ozymadias stood up behind the trio. He turned away & ran up a small dune in the direction of the rising moon. Astira followed. She crouched low & ran up the small dune. She found him just beyond, hiding in the shadows. On his knees, he frantically dug in the sand. After a couple minutes he turned to look at Astira.
"I found it. Quick- jump in."
Astira hesitated. Jamu arrived.
" It's a Clan ship. Probably looking for us. Probably picked up our heat. ETA about two minutes. Get ready."
Astira saw a glow in the dark, just over the dune. She aimed her laser pistol.
"Ozymandias- you go first!" she hissed.
"But only I can lock the hatch. I should go last."
"Shut up!" said Astira.
"I trust nobody. Jump in. We follow."
"If you insist."
And Ozymandias jumped into a black hole of arrid quicksand. He quickly disappeared.

II. The "Black Star" In Kalgan Orbit
The long spindly fingers of the Mule rubbed the black diamond. A video image of Princess Lei & the Count sprang to life.
"My Lady, open the door with the key. The ancient manuscripts tell the story of the Yin & Yang diamonds. Legend says they bring bad luck- except to the rightful owners."
"My dear Count, do you believe in bad luck?"
Princess Lei gazed intently at the Count. She smiled in mild amusement. But the Count stood like a statue, an Atlas of centuries.
"My Lady, extraordinary experiance in life opens many doors of understanding. Nothing is a coincidence- only a mystery."
The Count smiled faintly, the pathos of experiance.
The Princess lowered her crescent eyes. The moon turned golden, a bowl of honey in the sky.
The Mule threw the black diamond across the bridge. It clattered on the metallic deck. He stared through the window at the planet Kalgan. A crown of stars formed a halo.

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