Friday, May 16, 2014

Mind Woes

1. Mind Eraser- The Black Keys
"As a flower that is lovely & beautiful, but is scentless, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who practices it not." 
I. The Deep Forest
Magnifico led the Princess to the caravan. Teams of russet horses pulled a line of country wagons along a dirt road in a wide dell. She could smell the warm equine odor as she watched Magnifico trott along side a team of horses, moving his head up & down, back & forth, making whinny noises as though he were a horse.
After a long day, at nightfall, the stars appeared one by one in unfamiliar patterns. Magnifico smiled at the Princess.
"My Lady. The petals of a budding rose hath not your patience. Yet in due time a rose spreads it's scented wings, & no flight of heaven's fancy can compare."

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