Saturday, October 26, 2019

Vivienne’s Love Child

1. Love On The Ground
2. Perfect
  -Smashing Pumpkins


I. The Silk Path
Vivienne gazed through a narrow slanted window. The towering spire pierced the leaden ruffles of clouds smothering a naked sky. Through vague mist of time she remembered her only love child bundled in a swarm of emotions, an infant lotus squirming on the warm fertile ground like a young typhoon. She knew then her fate- she must leave behind her only love & follow her light cone to another time, another place, another identity, a new beginning born in anonymity.

II. The Canyons 
Dragon leaves fall from the branch.  
“To be enlightened, one must be awake.” 
Astira check her surroundings, alert for dangers. In far distance she watch Ozymandias approach on street of silver moonlight. 

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