Saturday, September 9, 2017

Demosisto Blues

1. Telescope 
 -Cage The Elephant 


I. Dark Island
"The people are in the dark"
Leizu implored Joshua. Her gown clung like a ribbon in the rising breeze.
"Our government serves the Empire- they now control the main outlets of news & information. Most people are zombies & they don't even know it. It's like an alien power reprogramed their minds!"
Joshua flinched. He wondered about the young Mule. Where was he? He knew he couldn't stop the Mule. Not here with Leizu. That was just a dream. Only one causal invariant chain of history ever existed. Just one. And he knew the Mule survived to his time & the Second Foundation. And he was just a prisoner in the dream of Vivienne. She traveled for millennia on her light cone. He held Leizu close. He knew he held the very Lotus Of Civilization- a fountain of beauty. But he could see the dunes at the very end of time.

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