Sunday, May 21, 2017

Fired Up

1. Tiny Little Robots
-Cage The Elephant

""Now I understand." said the last man."
-Arthur C. Clarke 

I. Robot Mines- Trader Star
Taryn opened the cabin door. The heat of the sun burned in the bone white sand. A flock of drones glared spasmodically in the bright sky. Like vultures, they began to circle. Suddenly, one of the drones dove. It hovered menacingly in front of Taryn.
"Identify yourself." said the drone.
"I am Taryn from the Foundation. The lady is the Dragonfly. Our guide is a local human known as the Desert Jackass. I wish to strike a deal- Foundation crypto-silver for rare earths & other metals. With crypto-silver you can buy products manufactured by the Foundation. Like mining technology. Tools. Unusual composites with magical properties. Hardware & software. So take me to your human leader."
"There are no humans here." said the drone.
"Then open a line of communication to your remote human leaders."
"There are no human leaders." said the drone. 
"But I want to strike a trade deal."
"We do not execute trade deals." said the drone.
"Well then-" Taryn grinned wryly. He shook his head.
"Let us look around & then we'll leave you in peace."
"No. You will never leave. You are now in our custody. We will study you. The female dragonfly will make many goo goo humans. Then you will be reprogrammed."

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