Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Island

1. When I Come Down
  -The Kickdrums

"A lotus flower is born in water, grows in water & rises out of water to stand above"

I. Christmas Island
Astira watched the infrared waves of deep crimson travel from the horizon & break upon the beach of black sand far far below. The hypnotic Zen of the surf beat like a meditating heart.
"We got a few black diamonds from sky roof. We build our ocean boat & sail in two months. Then we escape from Lotus of Civilization."
Astira stood confident. Ozymandias flickered in logical thought. 
"Beware Astira- we are in uncharted waters." warned the Dragon.
Suddenly a cacophony erupted- black cave parrots echoed & mocked the wayward traveller's every word.....

II. The Venetian World
Easter morning- church bells peeled in golden harmony. Spring birds sang in an avian chorus of hope. Ivy's palm spooned her cloudy crystal ball. The Count & Princess Lei fervently held hands dressed in a circular sky of white lace.
The Count turned to the Princess.
"My Lady- the black diamond is not in the vault. We encounter impasse."
The Count frowned. Princess Lei sighed.
"Count- that ancient petrified tablet. Could I look at that?"
"Of course you may."
The Count handed the tabula rasa to the Princess. Her delicate ivory fingers traced its ancient contours. Then her knowledgable eyes focused on its tiny glyphs.
"Count- its rongo-rongo."
"What" said the Count. He gazed at her in perplexity.
"Rongo-rongo. It's ancient writing from Easter Island- from the time of the earliest civilizations before the galactic empire."
This piqued the Count's interest.
"Incredible! What does it say?"
Princess Lei furrowed her brow.
"The usual sort of trivia with many tributes..."
Suddenly her mouth fell open.
"Count- this long passage is about a historic supernova- visable even during the day. It states the supernova showered a planet with black diamonds."
The Count stood transfixed.
"What planet?" asked the Count.
"The Lotus of Civilization."
The Count & Princess stood in rapture.

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