Saturday, January 28, 2017

Schrödinger's Cat

1. Houses
   -Great Northern

"They say ignorance is bliss- they're wrong..."
-Franz Kafka

I. Crescent Lake
Astira asked- "Ozymandias- are you aware- like human being?" She stood before him with pleading eyes.
"Yes- of course I am. I compute, therefore I exist."
Ozymandias smiled. Astira saw a ray of hope crack the darkness. Taryn appeared. His hologram floated in the air.
"Astira- are you ok?"
Astira jumped- as if she saw a ghost.
"Taryn- they will see us. Use ufo text. They will not see this.. bye bye"
Astira turned off her i6 image. Her i6 returned to hiding mode. Flushed with excitement, she felt the tide turn.
Taryn touched his Foundation buckle & Astira disappeared. Her afterimage burned in his brain. He locked the Trader Star & looked around at the crazy town- a small oasis on a wasted planet at the opposite edge of the galaxy. Astira must be somewhere close- but where? And who was she running from? He looked around at some locals & travellers, & then he felt a strange tingling in his brain...

UFOtext at twitter & tumblr

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