Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Black Diamond

1. Crystalised
  - The xx

"There are two mistakes one can make along the path to truth- not going all the way, & not starting."

I. The Seaport
Astira lost track of time. No sun, no stars & no moon- invisible days dragged by on the hidden face of a slow cosmic clock. Invisible miles & hours echoed in data accumulated on her electronic bracelet. It told her the seaport must be near.
"Can you see the bay island?" exclaimed Ozymandias.
He raised a shadowy arm & pointed outward to the crimson sea. Astira touched her shades & magnified her infrared vision. She could see a small dark volcanic island adorned with ancient ruins, overgrown in subterranean fauna. 

II. Paris
The Count rose early. His dream faded, but a white jasmine flower glowed, imprisoned in the twilight air, a small ghost lingering from the long kiss of midnight. He touched the small cloud.
"My dear Count, I hope you slept well. I have important news."
The image of Princess Lei paused, her face veiled in concern. Her vanilla gown opened gracefully on her bosom, flowing around her body in soft ribbons of light & shadow. Only the black diamond of Yin lay missing from a consummate perfection of her natural beauty.
"My Lady, I slept well. A granite floor is to me but the royal bed of an emperor! But enough of this- what is your news that is so important?" 
The Count eyed her carefully.
"I received a ransom message for the Yin diamond. It's exorbitant beyond belief."
The Count smiled faintly. 
"They always are."
He paused & thought deeply.
"Count- breakfast is served."
The Count turned toward the door.
"Thank you Ali, I will join you shortly."
He nodded politely, & turned back to the Princess.
"My Lady, the mystery of the stolen Yin diamond goes beyond Paris & the Crescent Lake. It's something galactic in scope, historic. Let us get together as soon as possible. Do not trust the avenues of normal electronic communication. There exist no secrets of the heart, except those to Machiavellian scoundrels."

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