Friday, September 16, 2016


1. I Saw The Light
  - Spoon

"I met a traveller from an antique land..."
- Percy Shelley

I. Gobi Desert
Astira struck out across the dunes in the direction of the dark moon. Up & down she surfed the waves of humming sand. Then she stopped. Beneath a galactic shower of dim starlight she peered over the top of a dune into the valley below. She could only see gradations of shadow. She touched her bracelet. The warm red figure of the Dragon slowly climbed the opposite side of the dune on the other side of the valley. She touched her bracelet & the Dragon vanished. She let her eyes adjust to the abyss of shadows sunken in the sand. Long minutes crawled by & she saw nothing- no movement or any sign of life. She relaxed slightly & crouched in the sand.
"Greetings. My name is Ozymandias."
Astira jumped out of her skin & drew her laser pistol. Stunned, she looked at a svelte figure who stepped out from the shadow.
"I mean you no harm & come in peace."
He stood before her, tall & straight in the dim starlight. He wore fashionable clothing, as if were a man of the city.
"Then why you sneak up on Astira?"
She relaxed a bit, but didn't put away her laser pistol. She eyed the man carefully.
"You are a stranger wandering in the desert. You are wanted by the Clans who search for you as we speak. Perhaps I can help."
Astira holstered her pistol. She knew the Dragon must be close & watching.
"Are you enemy of the Clans?"
Ozymandias tilted his head slightly.
"Let's just say I am a very practical person."
Ozymandias smiled & extended his hand.

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