Sunday, February 14, 2016


The Crescent Lake
1. Chakra Tuning
  -Zen Meditation
2. Listen To Your Heart
  -Alicia Keys

"The heart is full that chimes those stones!"

-Book XIV 42. Sayings Of Confucius


I. The Crescent Lake
ii) The flight of steps led up to the moon. The Count & Princess paused. They stood before a narrow temple door.
"The door is locked. What next?"
With her hand, Princess Lei swept away a stray lock of hair from her eyes. She looked at the face of the Count hiding from the light of the moon. He spoke softly.
"My Lady, the way is sometimes dark & mysterious. Do you remember the laughing Buddha & the Pearl of Dreams?"
"Yes I do- but without the Yin diamond there is nothing we can do now. This temple door is locked & you can't blast it open."
"My Lady, the Buddha has the last laugh. Behold this small piece of black jade from his ancient hand."
The Count reached with his hand to his breast pocket. He grasped something within & then opened his outstretched hand beneath the moonlight. Princess Lei stared in curiosity. The Count held a small black key in the palm of his hand. He explained.
"I am told by an expert this key holds a microscopic imprint of music dated from thousands of years in the past. It can only unlock the right matching door with its ancient musical tune."
Princess Lei smiled. It seemed too incredible to believe. She carefully picked up the key & instantly felt the smooth warm jade melt around her fingers. Taken aback, she closed her eyes & felt a strange microscopic tingling. Deep within her mind she could hear a garden of chimes. The Count smiled. 

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