Friday, January 3, 2014

Crossing The Divide

Crossing The Divide
1. The New Divide
 - Linkin Park

"No more than five minutes into my initial interview with Steve, I wanted to throw caution & logic to the wind and join Apple."

- Tim Cook

I. Leigh-on-sea
At 7pm on the dot Lord Wilmore arrived. Princess Lei welcomed the Lord on board the Twinkling Star, the spacecraft gently rocking on the Thames, but docked securely.
"Welcome Lord Wilmore," said the Princess, graciously extending her hand.
"So charmed to meet you," said the Lord, in a peculiar English accent. His whiskers twitched, and he bowed deeply, stretching his pantaloons.
"Oh my Lord!" said the Dragon, somewhat amused.
"Baron de Valentine- we meet again!" warbled Lord Wilmore, in his peculiar rising excitement.
Princess Lei stared in wonder at the Dragon of the Far East. What incredible transformation was this?
Outside on the river Thames, dark storm clouds began to gather.

II. The White Castle
The luminescent spacecraft hovered in the air- silent & without a trace of gravity. Then it slipped below the moonlit walls of the White Castle. Astira recognized the design, & she flipped open her i5 to verify her hunch. A small hologram spread out into the air. Astira could see the spacecraft as if she were inside the White Castle. Identifiers glowed softly- name "The Far Star" home "Foundation"
Astira looked at Archimedes.
 "The Mule's Union of Worlds seeks a treaty to block the Foundation.  The most probable branch of psychohistory predicted the arrival of the Far Star. The Foundation wants a deal with the White Queen. But it's too late- the Mule's psychological powers of persuasion are too strong. The Far Star is in jeopardy."
Archimedes looked at Astira with concern, then turned his night owl gaze on the moonlit walls."
"Well," said Astira, "I think it's time to drop by & say hello."
She then flipped off her i5 & they took off into the night.

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