Friday, August 9, 2013

The Second Millennium

The First Millennium
1. Hung On Tight- Snakadaktal

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” 

- Confucius


I. 5am
Astira hung tight to the hand of the crumpled Dragonfly. Sisters of circumstance, they united against the reign of despair. But they were only human- and the depth of the despair infinite. Astira knew she could not hold out longer, & she looked into the heavy eyes of her dying sister.....
"Yes- A, it's 5am, time to wake up."
Astira opened her eyes. A sprinkling of faint stars lay on a deep blue ceiling of morning sky. Her nightmare dissipated, & she smiled at the Dragonfly. Later, they enjoyed rings of pineapple, & from deep morning mist stretching far & wide, they watched the magnificent ruins of the Lost City emerge gradually into the light- the light of a new day.

II. First Lesson
Astira gasped- the ancient steps of a past millennium stacked up high into the upper reaches of the Lost City, just below a layer of afternoon clouds. She pushed up her pace, beads of sweat flying off her body. She had a simple plan- run to the top, or die somewhere along the way.
"i5- how far to top?"
"3.3 kilometer" said i5.
"I can do that," she thought- "even tho so out of shapes." 

And so she turned to the left & pushed off onto the next ramp of steps.
Later that evening, after a tough day of training her body, it was time for her first lesson- a new kind of psychological lesson- training 
for her mind.

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