Friday, March 1, 2013

Mystery Tour

Mystery Tour

1. Time
2. I Wish, I Wish
(both songs by
 Cat Stevens,
 now Yusuf Islam)

And then the lotus returned to seed within the womb of the earth. Princess Lei followed the Count into the passage, his photonic torch lighting the stairway on their descent. The tunnel gradually leveled out and the stairway dissolved- the Count reached back for the hand of the Princess and together they made haste- walking rapidly for about one hour. And then the passage opened up into a barren antechamber. The Count's torch illuminated the antechamber, revealing two passages on the left and right of a rotund laughing Buddha. Princess Lei walked up to the Buddha figure covered by intricate inscription. The Count brought his torch closer to facilitate her inspection.
She began to read but then stopped- the inscription was half familiar, half unfamiliar, making a difficult and awkward read. But she could make out the date- about 50,000 years in the past- about the time the Galactic Empire was founded. She stood in stunned silence for a few minutes, just letting the revelation sink in.
"Count, these inscriptions refer to Yu the Great of the Xia Dynasty- this time period predates the Galactic Empire." she said, looking to the Count for a sense of confirmation.
"Indeed," said the Count, "Will wonders never cease!" 
And he smiled in sympathy with the laughing Buddha.

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