Friday, February 15, 2013

The Secret Passage

Secret Passage

Music =
1. Lose Your Way- Sophie B. Hawkins
    (from across the waves in London)

Like moonlight, faint music from London filled the air. The Count led the Princess through the backstreets of Paris- now nothing more than ragged pathways crossing through abandoned ruins. Finally he stopped in front of a nondescript and dilapidated apartment adjoined to a wall. They entered.
Once inside, the Count opened a series of three creaky doors that lead to a small interior room faced up against the outside wall. He held up his photonic torch and the Princess could see a collection of rotted books now strewn on shelves lining two of the walls. But she could see the Count's agitated fascination lay not with the books, but with a small stone fireplace - something of an oddity in a tropical location. Picking up a small hooked poker, the Count began to feverishly pry at one particular small stone, working so intently a small bead of perspiration fell from his brow to the brimstone. At last he freed the stone- a small black lacuna now manifested itself. He looked up at the Princess with fervent and maniacal eyes. She almost began to cry as she realized that the proper and refined Count of Paris was in fact no more than a deranged madman- she looked at him in fearful pity.
"Lei- brace yourself."
She did.
The Count thrust the hooked end of the poker into the small black lacuna and then began to grope- finally he pulled. A deep grinding noise filled the air and the fireplace opened. A cool musty smell of centuries filled the room- the Count's photonic torch revealed a stairway leading down a long deep subterranean passage.
Princess Lei jumped as a disturbed snake slithered across the floor.

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