Monday, January 7, 2013

The Pearl Of Dreams

Pearl Of Dreams

1. A Whisper- Coldplay
2. Like The Sea- Alicia Keys

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."- Confucius

Astira had never set foot on Poland until now. Neither had the Second Foundation- at least as far as she knew.
The small spacecraft from Paradox Shipping lay floating in the water, tethered to the dock. She decided not to use the main spaceport near Banana in order to lay low. The air felt warm with a slight tropical breeze- but it cooled rapidly as twilight gave way to night.
"You know M, something just doesn't feel right about this place."
"Yes, A, I feel it too."
And the Dragonfly closed her eyes, growing her awareness. Astira then felt a great despair- a gloom of nightmare closing down her mind- dropping her to her knees. She then fought back- retaining her identity- holding fast onto the Second Foundation - not giving in. Astira faced a nadir of hope- a black hole so deep there was no escape. But then she reached above and beyond and held the hand of the Dragonfly…..She could see the stars in the night air.
That evening the sun fell asleep below the sea. Princess Lei appeared, dressed in moonlight, softly iridescent as mother of pearl. She spoke-
"Count, these fantastic legends that survive history, how can you possibly believe they are true?"
The Count gazed upon the perfect circle of her earring, then looked into her eyes.
"Perhaps perfect beauty and truth are but forms in our mind. But this I know- my awakened life has been touched by the Pearl of Dreams."

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