Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Far Star

1. I'd Rather Be In Love- Michelle Branch

Necessity is the mother of invention- starved of minerals & metals, surrounded by the barbaric 4 Kingdoms & cut off from the "help" of the aging Galactic Empire, the Foundation began its precarious existence at the edge of the Milky Way, on the shores of the deep black ocean of intergalactic night.

But in a psychohistorical blink of the eye something happened…..


Beta watched the dual stream of lights in the night sky- every 20 seconds a trader ship loaded with natural materials arrived at New Daytona, every 30 seconds a trader ship loaded with manufactured technology departed from New Daytona- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And so the Foundation thrived. But off to the side of the dual stream of lights there flickered briefly a small white hot diamond- the Far Star. That technology was not for sale- ever….

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