Saturday, December 31, 2011

Descent To Kashmir

1. Tomorrow Never Knows- Beatles

Astira & the Dragonfly glanced up the steep narrow path running up the rockface & watched Jammu- as if an illusion- vanish into the ceiling of clouds...

Later that night, above the clouds, the savaged trio set up their makeshift camp. The mountains' ferocity & inhuman scale stunned Astira, even though she was at home in the high mountains of Dauphine.

"When we get to dividing line & start our descent?" asked Astira.

"Maybe tomorrow." said Jammu, warming his naked hands by the small fire.

"Is not too soon for me!" said Astira, smiling at M as she lay back and stared upward into the roof of heaven- thousands of crystalline stars formed a roof of diamonds in the thin night air.

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