Sunday, May 15, 2011



1. Rhinocerous- Smashing Pumpkins

"The firm, the enduring, the simple, & the modest are near to virtue"- 

The tempeste of night swirled in dark chains of clouds. Edmond Shing fell 
upon the hard rocks of the shoreline, & in his delirious exhaustion 
the rocks became but velvet cushions fit for a king. And then he fell 
into a deep unconscious sleep....
And then gradually the stirring of consciousness returned in evanescent layers of the recent past. In this manner he relived his remarkable journey- and then finally he awoke.

His eye focused upon a young woman kneeling over his body. The warm morning surf washed over his wretched body and the hard black rocks of the shoreline. She spoke in strange words- he couldn't understand- but then she spoke in silent words as if her thoughts emerged within his mind without the benefit of sound.

"Edmond, we must move on before the return of the Turkish smugglers. Move fast."

"Who are you?" 

"My name is Athena Pythagorous. I live here on Samos." 

"How do you know me?"

"You were dreaming & I sensed those dreams- thus I know you- you cannot lie in your dreams." 

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