Saturday, July 4, 2020

Find The Right Path

1. Sapphire
2. Get Organ-Ized

I. The Canyons 🏞 🦓
"Taran, multiple deep space Tiger ships reentering atmosphere, hypersonic vectors converging on Trader Star, first ETA 47 seconds. Please advise."
Taran broke into a cold sweat. His thoughts scrambled to a conclusion.
"Heather, rock down to hard deck. Mode. Red alert. False flag. Divert gravitic propulsion to photonic weapons- full power. Make it look real."
"Taran, first ETA 32 seconds. Prepare for hard deck. No deflectors. No gravitics- danger level ten- high acceleration hazard in 5 seconds."
Taran turned to his passengers. "Get ready. No guarantees." 

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