Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rise & Fall

1. Future Landscapes
  -Deep Forest &
2. Love Chained


I. The Canyons    
At last the faint trail morphed into a dry creek bed winding between steep zebra painted hills- laid bare & stratified by unrelenting passage of geologic time. Astira paused. She wiped the sweat from her brow.
“Is this it?” she asked. 
“Yes.” said Ozymandias.
Astira couldn’t help but feel awestruck. 

II. The Trap Door
“Stop!” hissed the Dragon.
“Don’t move. Remain still. Nothing moves.”
The Dragon ever so slowly & imperceptibly moved his torch. In the flickering light he could barely make out the sign of the three emperors carved in the stone wall.
“Jamu- see the three emperors?”
Jamu rolled his eyes without moving his skull.
“Yes, barely.”
The Dragon narrowed his eyes. He looked everywhere in the ancient dank chamber. Then he saw it.
“Jamu- the three emperors are an ancient symbol for impending death. This is a chamber of death. Do you see that red spot on your leg?”
Jamu rolled his eyes lower.
“Yea- looks like a laser dot.”
“It is so. Probably a detector- a trip wire so to speak.”
The Dragon’s eyes lit up like fierce coals.
“Put your walking stick in the path of the beam. Then step back.”
Jamu shoved his walking stick in a stone crack & carefully adjusted its position. Beads of sweat rolled off his forehead.
“Ready. Here goes.”
Jamu jumped back. The grainy dot gently moved back & forth on the walking stick. But nothing happened. A black snake slithered in a chain of shadow.
“OK” said the Dragon.
The Dragon chopped the stick with his laser pistol. The room rocked like an earthquake.


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