Sunday, October 21, 2018

Slow Climb

1.Get Out The State


I. The Lost City
The dragonship stood docked on the pier for 50,000 years.
"Is the dealer warranty still good?" asked Astira.
Project Dragonfly lit up in a confusing array of lights. It spoke.
"The airship has indefinite lifespan. It is silicon based, therefore it exists."
Astira looked over the aerodynamic contours- now blunted by heaps of volcanic ash. She doubted the craft airworthy.
"Press the red button to restore." said Project Dragonfly.
Astira could see a small red triangular button in the open cockpit. She pressed it.
The dragonship instantly glowed within a force field. She felt pushed away by something warm & invisible. The ash of millennia electrostatically exploded away from the craft. Astira stood dumbfounded. In a few minutes the dragonship gleamed bright as new. She now realized the Lotus of Civilization had been the First Foundation of its time. Before... annihilation.

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