Saturday, September 15, 2018


1. Square 1

"All warfare is deception."
-Sun Tzu

I. The Lost City
Astira spoke carefully:
"Q-Anon 1ZB"
She paused. 1 zettabyte. All the lost info of the ancient shadow planet. Vivienne's key from Joshua.
The drone hovered & hovered. Finally it spoke.
"Astira. Welcome to the gates of Heaven's Seventh Empire. Take us to Princess Leizu."
The drone moved in close to the dragonship & opened its wings in a welcoming gesture. Astira stared in fascination at the flying machine- a birdlike cyber insect.
"Princess Leizu is on another planet. She sent me here."
Astira carefully lowered her laser pistol. She gazed into the eyes of the artificial intelligence.
"Excellent. How may we assist the emissary of the Princess?"
Astira worked to contain her excitement. 
"Take me to the royal chambers on the highland. Then show me a passage to the Crescent Lake."

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