Saturday, August 25, 2018

Delusions Of Grandeur

1. Ox
-Deaf Wish

"If life exists on other planets, then the Earth is an insane asylum for the cosmos."

I. Kalgan
The Mule peered at his scrawny image in the mirror. He stood dressed in rag tag fashion. The harlequin twittered & his face booked a crooked smile. Today he would go to the beach!
II. The Lost City
The twisted broken voice droned in her ear. Astira could only grasp lingual fragments: "The Emperor - commands - submit - glorious - truth - ignorance - strength." She connected the erratic dots.
"I am Astira- servant of Princess Leizu in the High Gardens Of Heaven."
Would it work? She remembered Ozymandias & his silver wire- they watched the ancient flash memory not so long ago by the infrared shore. She wondered & fingered the trigger on her laser pistol. The drone hovered indecisively.

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