Monday, January 1, 2018

Reality Meets Dream

1. The Life
  -Alicia Keys
2. Stand Inside Your Love
  -Smashing Pumpkins

"The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows."

I. Dark Island
The natural light returned from the morning above. Astira walked on the waterfront, away from several waterfalls cascading down the rocks. The dark open sea stretched out in an abyss. Ancient aerial dragonboats lined the island harbor. She could see rock steps, metal ladders & doors. No doubt she could find a way back to the high mountain patio. A small flock of birds flew out of the dark abyss. Unlike the black parrots, they remained silent. They flew through the mist of waterfalls & then moved in close to the harbor. Then they stopped & hovered like prehistoric humming birds, not so far away. Strange. They just hovered, motionless, as though they watched her every move. Suddenly Astira caught sight of movement on the east face of the rocks. Her telescopic lens focused on the shadowed movement. She stood stunned, unbelieving. A desert tiger nimbly picked its way down the rock face, a sandy beige & orange camouflage shadow moving closer & closer to the waterfront. The implication stared Astira in the face. The tiger lived above in the desert world- there must be a way to the surface, the way of the tiger. Astira narrowed her eyes.

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