Saturday, June 14, 2008

La Toussuire

1. No Matter What - Badfinger

Astira lifted her eyes & brushed aside a wisp of hair strayed across
her cheek.
"Taron, b4 I take u 2 the moon 4 Traders- mayb u do a little trick 4
"Oh, & what would that be?" said Taron, as he looked up from the
progamming dashboard of the Trader Star.
"Well," and Astira looked away thoughtfully into the cabin's
holographic image of Poznan's upper atmosphere, "Mayb u take Astira
back 2 Dauphine 4 just a little bit?"
"Dauphine, why Dauphine?"
"I needs 2 tie up some looser ends with a banker-trader, = a Count of

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