Saturday, February 18, 2017

Zero Probability Branch

1. Hopeless Romantic
   -Michelle Branch

"I think a Seldon crisis is pending- & that if it isn't, then away with the Seldon plan altogether. It is a failure."
"Foundation & Empire" by Isaac Asimov

I. The Crescent Lake
"Astira is in great danger. There is a new & evil force in the galaxy."
The Dragonfly paused. Her trim black figure formed a silhouette against the moonlit water. She appeared unarmed.
"A new & powerful force? Like what are you talking about- Feng Shui?"
Taryn halfway laughed. He felt sceptical.
The Dragonfly frowned.
"No. There is a leader with super human power- the First Citizen of the Union of Worlds."
Taryn's mood took a serious turn.
"Yea- I've heard of him. But he's no threat to the Foundation."
The Dragonfly frowned.
"No. He is a threat to everyone- including the Foundation- & especially Astira."
"Where is Astira? She sent me an SOS."
"Yes. Open a hologram map. I will show you."
Taryn touched his buckle. A rosy holgram appeared- a picture of Toran & Bayta on Terminus. Just engaged, they both smiled warmly. He touched his buckle again- a map of the Crescent Lake appeared. It glowed softly pink in the white moonlight.
"Yes." The Dragonfly smiled. From nowhere she produced a bright Samurai dagger. She carefully pointed to Astira's approximate location.

II. The Venetian World
The sun set in vivid watercolors. A string of pearled moons rose into the dark heavenly vapor. Twinkling stars sprinkled the midnight hour.
"My Lady- those who see the past, present & future illuminate the dark prison of our mind.
The Count held the soft gloved hands of Princess Lei. He leaned forward & kissed her red lips. Somewhere- light years away- arose the very first bloom of spring.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day- Live The Dream

1. I Dare You
  -The xx
2. Wake Me Up
  -The Hawk In Paris

"The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood."

I. The Crescent Lake
Taryn picked up his passport & slung his flight bag over his shoulder. The air remained warm from the day- it shimmered in a sunset ribbon edging the mocha desert way beyond the dark crystal water of the Crescent lake. The short runway lead to the city waterfront. He began walking in that direction. He would meet up with someone called a dragonfly. Astira traded in the black market. She had many unsavory contacts. This might be one. 

II. The Venetian World
"I don't know exactly how it works- but it's like a hyperspace jump- except your mind doesn't jump to the future light years away- it just dreams about it." Ivy stirred her cup of mocha coffee with a slow hand & a silver spoon.
"Very interesting." said the Count. He looked at Princess Lei.
"My Lady, I told you Ivy was for real. She is not a charlatan."
The Princess broke into her mischievous smile. The resplendent Count beamed. Their light mood permeated the air, in harmony with the scent from a lead quiver of red table roses.
"But Ivy, can you aim your crystal ball?
Ivy looked out over the waterfront. The gold waves lapped against the porch deck. She pursed her lips seductively.
"Count- the crystal ball goes with the flow of life~ it is unpredictable~ like the Saint Valentine arrow of Cupid."
Ivy smiled demurely.

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Saturday, February 4, 2017

First Twilight

1. Fake Guns
  -The Kickdrums
2. Mood Ring


I. Crescent Lake 
Taryn's mood veered suddenly to extreme terror. Instinctively he touched his Foundation buckle. His mood bounced back into a euphoric high. He felt dazed in a mental cloud. In every way his invisible force field protected him. His out of control emotions settled back down. His mind began to flow in a clear stream of rational thought- no more panic attack.
"What the hell happened?" he thought.
Astira's icon appeared. Letters glowed in his face mask of invisible field.
"taryn i warn you now the Mule is upstairs"
"Passport" said the Clan warrior.
"Sure" said Taryn. He laid his electronic card on the table. He kept the force field on high. He could see desert falcons veer in steep arcs above the Crescent lake. Unfamiliar stars sprinkled the twilight sky.

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