Friday, April 25, 2014

Where Is The Mule?

White Cliff Cottage
1. Crests Of Waves- Coldplay

"Instead of chopping yourself down to fit the world, chop the world down to fit yourself."

- D H Lawrence

I. The White Cliffs
Stars sparkled in the night sky.
"Where now is this Mule?" demanded Astira. She looked at Archimedes sitting with crossed legs on the backyard table.
"No one knows. The last known sighting is from a rebel pioneer who left the Second Foundation about 20 years ago. He contacted me from out of the blue 2 weeks ago. He said the Mule now holds the White Queen in his power. That makes sense, but I don't know if I can trust the word of this strange man."
"Who is strange man? How can he get so close to the Mule?" demanded Astira, her eyes filtering as though looking through a dark abyss.
"He changed his whole life- he is now known only as the Dragon Of the East."

The dark abyss cracked & exploded into a kaleidoscope. Astira looked at the Dragonfly & they burst into laughter.

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Morning Flower

Mystic Morning
1. Ground Zero- Night Flowers

"All people dream, but not equally."
- D H Lawrence

I. The Deep Forest-
Awake! The Twinkling Star vanished like a moonlit dream. Princess Lei looked around, surrounded by the night of tall dark trees. Animals & birds moved around her, circling about in dull red embers of infrared heat sensed by her Yin diamond. She turned left. She intuitively sensed a strange presence watching her- just out of sight in the shadows. Her Yin could feel the invisible heat of the warm body, cloaked in the cool night shadow, perhaps watching her every move. Her eyes opened wide to the dark, and she stood alert & poised, as if she were a wild fox caught in the moonlight.
"My Lady! Dreams are but flowers in the night- but thine wild bloom dost wake this deep forest of sleeping hearts!" 
And a spindly creature of a man emerged from the shadows, & bowed precariously, waving his arms in a sweeping gesture.

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Friday, April 11, 2014

The Year Of The Mule

Night Dragonfly
1. Bound- Night Flowers

"Silence is a true friend who never betrays."

- Confucius

I. The White Cottage
Change- birth, life then death. Astira frowned & looked at Archimedes perched in the dark. He turned away from the glowing mathematics & met her gaze.
"Something changed. There is birth & death- but there is no life. Everything the Mule touches becomes corrupt- a one way path to a meaningless existence. People become zombies, their lives a meaningless sport which never ends. There is no real life- only faith in a collective illusion. No one will break the chain, no one has the courage to see- there is not one God damn person who has the will to stop the insanity!"
Archimedes looked away in silence. He watched the sun set in the cottage window. Astira felt tears form in her eyes. Everything was wrong- everything was corrupt- the wrong side was winning. She despised that to the very core of her soul.
A lithe figure appeared. Through the window Astira saw the Dragonfly.

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Friday, April 4, 2014

The Night Before

Deep Forest
1. Sylvan Song- Heart
2. Bring It On- Seal

I. The Deep Forest
By nightfall Princess Lei reached the edge of the forest. Famished & without natural relief, she found a narrow path winding through the dark trees. Thin moonlight filtered down through the canopy of leaves, endowing the path with a soft luminescence. Determined, she followed the path. After one hour of hiking, she finally paused to rest. After a few minutes of rest & relief, she touched her Yin diamond. A velvet hologram instantly sprang to life, surrounding her in a soft cocoon of light. Enraptured, she could feel the rise & fall of the Twinkling Star- moored to the rock by the waters of the hidden cove. She looked around her nest, her moonlight body moving with a natural fluidity. Through the Yin diamond, her ghost lived & breathed on board the Twinkling Star.

II. The Caravan
The spindly figure moved quietly- a shadow in the night. Curious, he was drawn to the mysterious light. He paused and peered from behind a tree. His eyes & pupils opened wide. He couldn't believe his eyes. Before him sat a beautiful princess of the forest, surrounded by a magical light!

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