Friday, May 17, 2013

Dream Of The Night

Princess Of The Day

1. Paradise- Coldplay


I. The Magicians
Princess Lei ran away from the crowd and walked toward the short boat ramp spiraling down to the sea. Several figures stood on a small ledge just above the water line near the base of the sloping ramp. There was no moon, but the backlight from town mixed with the luminous glow of stars concentrated in the galactic plane. Distant clouds were building over the sea, but the night sky remained largely clear. A delicate breeze carried the thin cool scent of the sea air.
When she reached the water's edge, one of the dark figures stepped forward.
"Princess Lei, let me introduce myself, I am Fibonacci the Magician."

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Doom Of The Wise

Princess Lei
1. Wisdom- Seals & Crofts


"Don't you see? The Galactic Empire is a gigantic expanding bubble in history- but this bubble will never pop- it will only grow weak and fade away in a cold dust of aging stars as our galaxy rotates through the millennia. Don't you see? Wise up- our short lives are doomed- doomed to a feudal existence of servitude to the great Empire- there is no alternative!"
The young man then slaked his thirst with ale and sat down with the others. The aroma of roast meat on a spit filled the large room. Noise and laughter once again ruled the air.
"Necessity is the mother of invention," thought Princess Lei, and she slipped outside into the cool coastal air, the stars bright and thick like a fire of diamonds in the long night.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Dream #1

Fibonacci Frame

1. Italian Renaissance Lute Branle
    - Andrei Krylov
The sea of darkness surrounded her- her opened eyes- luminescent pearls in the deep of night. And then the sun lay upon her, the morning breeze surrounded her, and the birds flew upon centuries of fresh air. She could see the outskirts of the medieval town flank the bay of sparkling blue water. Her clothing, her shoes, so unfamiliar in their feel and appearance, held her fascination for a few minutes of time. She felt like a bird with new and unfamiliar wings. She wondered if she could fly. Could she?